Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Makes an Article?

Good quality articles are easy to be sold out over the Internet. Articles are needed because they are the ones that make the websites alive and more informational. Without these articles, web pages are useless. In order to have a good website, it must contain good articles.

In order to write a good article we must comply with the SEO or Search Engine Optimization rules in writing a good article.

First, choose a topic which is in demand today. Once you already have a topic in mind, formulate a good title. A good title will make a best impression on the readers. Use a catching title. After that, the title should appear in the first paragraph of your article. Use the words in your title as your keywords.

A keyword must appear at least three times in a paragraph. Always write a sentence with a good structure. Never make your article something like a turning wheel by going round and round with your topic. Once you all have that quality in your article, always remember that the readers are reading from their monitors. It is hard to read in monitors than in papers.

Viewers don't spend much time reading long articles, so keep your articles short but not short enough to lose its thought. A good article must contain at least 250 words up to 500 words. Lesser than that, the article would be cripple and more than that it would be boring.

Never thought of writing a popular article, you'll be disappointed but rather write a good article and if your article is good enough, popularity enters.

If you want to know more about Search Engine Optimization India then feel free to visit SEO India

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