Thursday, September 3, 2009

Steps to Getting Started As an Online Freelance Writer

Never before has it been this easily to earn a sizable income as a freelance writer. The internet has exponentially exploded not only the number of places where writers can submit their writing, but more importantly, the number of people looking to hire capable writers. The internet is a huge beast that requires fresh content (i.e. writing) on a daily basis, and millions of websites and media outlets spend enormous sums of money to keep the beast fed.

If you can write interesting and compelling articles and blog posts, it is not unrealistic to expect to earn a very comfortable living working as a freelance writer creating content for websites. This article will cover three steps you can take today to start your career as an online freelance writer.

1. Write Everyday

By this I mean, post something online every day. This can be as simple as starting a free WordPress or Blogger blog and posting to it daily. Make your posts a few hundred words in length and make them about thoughtful topics. You want these posts to showcase your writing as its best.

There are several reasons to write every day. A few of the more important reasons include:

  • To earn a decent living as freelance writer online you are going to need to be working on paying jobs everyday, so you might as well get into the practice of writing everyday, even if at first you are not getting paid (or paid a smaller amount).
  • As mentioned above, writing everyday creates a portfolio. There will come a day when a potential client wants to see examples of your writing. Being able to direct them to a site that you have contributed to regularly not only showcases your writing, but also demonstrates that you are able to maintain a discipline of writing regularly. Your online posts are your business card, make sure they represent you well.
  • Writing everyday is the discipline of exceptional writers, especially online writers. Start this discipline today. Chances are it is either going to be easy at first and then get difficult, or it is going to be hard right from the start. Either way, it's going to get difficult eventually and if you plan to write for a living you need to learn to get through the hard times as soon as possible.

2. Network With Other Freelance Writers

Online forums are a great place to get know other freelance writers. Make it a point to find at least one forum, or section of a forum, that is populated by active freelance writers. Join the forum and start participating.

There are many benefits to getting to know others in this business and networking with them on a regular basis. As you run into questions, you will have a valuable resource from which to seek answers. As you start to develop relationships with other writers, you may find unexpected writing opportunities. For example, someone on the forum may be looking for a guest blogger on a particular topic that you know very well. The person is more likely to offer the opportunity to you if they know you and are familiar with your writing.

Forums are also how most freelance writers post referrals for jobs and assignments they are not able to accept. For example, a writer who focuses primarily on banking and finance topics may have a client who is looking for a fitness writer. This writer is likely to let the the forum know about this fitness opportunity since he knows the client can trust the caliber of the other writers on the forum. Or, perhaps if the writer knows of a particular fitness writer that he trusts, he will refer the fitness writer directly to the client.

Forums are also a great way to get your name out. Most forums allow you to use some sort of signature line with a link to a website. If you are writing online everyday (see #1 above), forums are an excellent way to get visitors to your website. These are just a few examples of how forums can be great resources.

3. Start Bidding on Jobs

There are hundreds of online job boards that are updated daily with new requests for freelance writers. Find several of these boards and check them daily. (Time Saver: If the job board has an RSS feed, set up an RSS feed reader to collect all of these job postings in one place for easier checking.) When you find jobs that you are well-suited for, apply for them.

It is especially important in the beginning to develop a stellar reputation. Ideally, you want to be able to turn your first few clients into long-term clients, or at least be able to use them as an outstanding reference or testimonial. Make sure that the first few jobs that you bid on are ones that you can complete ahead of deadline with the highest quality. It is better to bid on fewer jobs and do great work than bid on several jobs that end up just OK. Your first few jobs are crucial to your success, so pick them wisely and submit exceptional work.

Freelance writing is an outstanding way to earn a living online. Now you have three steps to start you on your way to making money creating online content. The work is there, it is yours for the asking. Start writing today and take advantage of this huge opportunity!

My name is Kelly Gammon and I make a living writing. I often get asked what resources I recommend for those just starting out as a freelance writer. If you are ready to make a comfortable full-time living as a freelance writer, I recommend that you check out now.

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