Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best Internet Content Writer

On the Internet, SEO and Copywriting are highly competitive fields. Nonetheless, opportunities abound across a broad spectrum. If you're new to content writing, courting prospects, or need a writer for your blog or website, some research of the fields of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Copywriting is the most vital asset you can acquire before making a decision. On the other hand, some basic understanding of both initially can be very helpful in simplifying your research.

There is a mix of confusion on the Internet in terms of defining content writers. Content is a general term used to define writing for websites, blogs or other Internet based media. The greater misconceptions appear to be Copywriters verses SEO writers. Avoiding the misconceptions will help you attain a firm footing to write content with SEO or copy in mind or, to be able to hire a professional suited to your specific needs. There are similarities between the two but understanding the distinctions may provide more clarity.

Copywriters have been around for a few centuries as long as there has been print media. Their basic job description is writing copy that promotes strong actions among consumers. The objective is to cause an action around the buying or selling of a product, service or even increasing a subscriber base that may lead to sales.

SEO writers are a unique effect of the Search Engine Industry. If there is one distinction that separates the two fields it is this.

Copywriters would exist with or without the Search Industry online. Their origin is in Print media, marketing and advertising. This field has exploded with the presence of commerce and marketing on the Internet.

When an SEO writer is hired to produce content the objective is to cause a blog or website to increase it's visibility on the Web in search engine results pages (SERPS). It can be part of a whole campaign offered to a client or the work of an individual or freelance writer.

An intense technical back-end knowledge of blogs or websites are not necessary for an SEO writer but it can't hurt to know as much as possible about it.

Primarily, whether involved in a campaign or working individually with a client, they are not expected to cause an action resulting in sales.

Their job is to improve the position of a website or blog in search engine results pages, as well as its attractiveness with search engines. The result being more targeted traffic. The best scenario being the first page, in the number one position. This is not always possible because of a number of other factors that come into play. An optimal result can also be a great improvement over where the client may be currently positioned on the Web.

In both fields, keywords are one of the important tools used skillfully to write content and command the attention of search crawlers or bots scanning content to index within search engines. They may also offer analysis based on the overall look, design and flow of a website or blog and offer advice of how to improve a site to attract more targeted traffic, but it is not required.

A copywriter must produce an action that results in sales, while the SEO writer must cause an action that results in the best possible position on search engine results that can be attained. Other factors could impede or assist in attaining that goal.

Not all websites and blogs have a core purpose involving products or services. They may desire targeted traffic for equally important reasons other than monetary profits. SEO content is about attaining the best optimal position on the Web, to attract targeted traffic for a wide array of goals suited to an individual's online mission.

It is not unusual to find both fields over lapping and that can be an asset for a client if a writer has both skills. Additionally, it could cut budget costs which is always good news for the client.

On the other hand, knowing the difference between the two is necessary given the fair chance that a writer may be excellent in one field but not the other. A Client should hire a writer according to their need of either Copy: Increased sales and a growing subscriber database or, SEO: an optimal position on Search Engine Results Pages to attract targeted traffic.

Vanessa D. Alexander writes, edits and publishes the daily blog column 52 Signals, exploring the signals and noise of organic search, optimization, traffic, tools and bits of other stuff in user simple terms.

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