Monday, August 31, 2009

How to Write Them Fast and Easy

Writing an internet article is a necessity especially if you are involved with Internet Marketing. Article writing for the Web serves a variety of purposes. Here are seven top tips to why writing internet articles is so important to build your internet business.

  1. Internet articles provide content for your website.
  2. Internet articles help in your search engine optimization.
  3. Internet articles help to market your website or blog.
  4. Internet articles can be distributed to reprint directories with your name and web information on them.
  5. Internet articles can be the basis for an ebook but putting at least 10 or more articles together.
  6. Internet articles can become an autoresponder ecourse.
  7. Internet articles can be submitted to your weekly ezine to build readership for your business.

As you can see, writing internet articles for the web is very useful, and you can certainly learn to write an effective Internet based article very quickly. The first step is to decide what you want to write about. The choices are limitless. To start generating some ideas, think about why you are writing the article. Are you writing an article for your site? If so, keep your target market in mind. What keywords do they want to know about?

One way to focus your article is to write a personal story that contains good keywords and also deals with a business issue. These topics could include how you started your business, why you started the one you are in, or even some of the challenges you have faced as a business owner.

Conduct keyword research to see what your target market is searching for and focus your article to their interest while using your personal experiences. How you write your content is important, as the search engines will look for keywords to index this information. When someone searches for a specific term that you include in your content, the page on your site that features that information could come up in the search results.

For example, let's say you want to share the experience of starting a small business. You might find that people are using keywords such as "small business, entrepreneur, how to start a business" and so on. As you write articles, include these keywords and phrases. Say something such as "When I started my small business, I immediately became an entrepreneur. Entering the realm of entrepreneurship meant I had to plan in order to know how to start a business that would succeed." Can you see the use of the keywords in that first sentence?

Instead of struggling to find an article topic you have to research, just think of the lessons you have learned in pursuing business success and you can have a string of articles to write in a short period of time. Be sure you add a lesson or insight of value for others and you will have an article worth reading. Write an article a week to start then write an article a day. You will soon see that writing internet articles is not difficult and actually a fun way to build your internet business.

Consuelo Meux, Ph.D., is the Founder and President of the National Association of Christian Women in Business ( NACWIB equips women in business and leadership to gain the audacity of confidence while moving their business to new heights. Get instant access to two free business building reports when you subscribe to the ezine at

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