Sunday, August 30, 2009

Freelance Writing Fortune - Start Making YOURS Today

If you're struggling to make a go of it as a freelance writer, you might wonder if it's even POSSIBLE to make a comfortable, but modest, living from writing - much less a fortune. But that's because you're probably still following the OLD freelance writing model.

The one where you try to break in with newspapers and magazines while you struggle to complete a novel, or even a nonfiction book, in the hopes of it one day becoming a best-seller, making you rich and famous in the process.

Sound familiar?

True, there are a few writers today who have made a fortune following this old model. But most writers these days are following a much different model to acquire their freelance writing fortune.

The new freelance writing model involves some or all of the following:

Online content writing - On the Internet, everyone is looking for quality content, and plenty of it. If you can provide this content, you can start making money right away.

Corporate writing - Writing for businesses is big business. From the small mom-and-pop operations in your own neighborhood, to the Fortune 500 companies across the globe, they all need the services of a writer from time to time.

Article marketing - This involves writing short information articles on a regular basis and submitting these articles to online article directories. Articles for these directories serve the writer in a variety of ways and are a major part of today's new freelance writing model.

Information products - Today's freelance writer doesn't wait for contracts and assignments. Instead, he tends to create his own information products, which include articles, special reports, e-books, CDs and downloadable audio files, and even teleseminars.

JV partnerships - The new freelance writing model calls for both short-term and long-term joint venture partnerships with other writers and entrepreneurs.

If you're ready to start making your freelance writing fortune, break away from the old model and learn more about the components of the new model right away!

Find out more about writing for Fortune 500 companies at and learn how to get started writing online content at

Suzanne Lieurance is a fulltime freelance writer and the Working Writer's Coach. She coaches writers to the freelance writing career of their dreams through her 12-week Working Writer's Coaching Program.

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