Monday, August 31, 2009

Make Dough Writing Online

A ghost writer's opportunities to make dough writing online are limitless, there is a huge market for well written articles, eBooks, fiction stories, and how-to books by people who need for whatever reason to put their label on the writing but are unable to do the writing themselves.

Ghostwriting is just that, if I write a book as a ghostwriter, you will never know, since the person that is buying that book is the one whose name will show up on the cover. Did you know though, that much of the content on the Internet is also written by ghostwriters?

There are many types of ghostwriting and chances are if you are a writer you will be called upon to do more than one of them over the course of your career. Newsletters, press releases, web copy are all examples of ghostwriting. Most times ghostwriters are employed for nonfiction works, but there are times a fiction author might ask a ghostwriter to write a portion of his book for a variety of reasons.

As a ghostwriter you will be asked to take an idea, and hopefully some material, and put it all together into a well thought out and skillfully written book or article. If you decide you want to be a ghostwriter the first thing you should do is to compile a portfolio of your work, whether you decide to work through your own website, a freelance hub, or through an employer you will need a portfolio that shows a variety of the different types of work you are able to do.

The great thing about ghost writing is it requires very little equipment to start with; a good computer, printer and scanner will be needed, as well as a word processing program such as MS Word. Before you get started spend some time reading about ghostwriting, writing in general, and any of the areas of writing you plan to get into such as copywriting or web content.

There is a variety of ways to advertise your services, creating your own website, contacting other blog owners to ask them if they need articles written and one of the latest popular ways is through Craigslist, with a bit of time and effort you can reach a huge portion of the population by listing there.

You should start by keeping your fees low for your services, till you build up some experience and clientele, since the going rates for ghostwriting fluctuate, be sure to spend some time researching your rates before you start bidding for jobs.

There is plenty of work available for a good ghostwriter, so set yourself apart with excellent writing and being punctual about meeting your deadlines and you will find that you can leave your nine to five job behind while making lots of dough writing online.

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Freelance Writers - How to Sell $25-$35 Per Article Writing Services to Clients

Article marketing works. There's no doubt about it. And, to make money online as a freelance writer, it is one of the easiest services to sell to clients. Many freelance writers either overlook this easy way of making money online, or don't know how to market it effectively.

This article explains why article marketing works, and how to make money online as a freelance writer selling the service to clients.

Make Money Online: Why Article Marketing Works

In order to convince someone to buy something, you have to first convince them that it works. In marketing, this is known as pointing out the benefits to the buyer. In succinct terms, the benefit of article marketing is twofold: (i) it generates long-term traffic; and (ii) it increases on- and off-line sales.

How Article Marketing Works to Generate Long-term Traffic

Article marketing generates long-term traffic because when buyers conduct research online, they're searching first for information. If they run across an article you wrote for a client site, for example, that answers all of their questions, how likely do you think they'll be to make a purchase?

If you're an optimist, you said, "Very likely." If you're pessimist, you said, "Not very likely." For the pessimist, I counter with, what if you found a repository of articles on a site. While one article may not do the trick, 3, 5 or 10 might.

And, this is one benefit freelance writers can point out to potential clients - ie, fill your site with informative content -- and clients will be more likely to buy from you.

FYI, information never goes out of style. It is the number one thing consumers search for online. Hence, informative articles on a site - written in the right way (eg, written with search engine optimization (SEO) techniques in mind) - can drive traffic to a site for years.

An article written 1, 3, 5 or 10 years ago can still drive traffic - if it was written with SEO in mind. And, the more traffic a site has, the more sales it makes.

SEO Copywriting: Why Article Writing is the Perfect Job for Freelance Writers

More and more businesses are putting larger parts of their budgets into online advertising. And, article marketing campaigns are a big part of this.

When you lay out to clients how and why they need informative content on their sites - and you show them why you're the perfect person to provide it, it becomes a no-brainer for them to hire you to write that content.

Freelance Writing Rates for Articles: Charge $25-$50 and Make $30K to $50K/Year

You can charge $25, $35 or $50 or more for simple articles of only 350-500 words. Write five or six of these a day, and you can easily replace a job where you make $30,000-$50,000/year.

Making money online as a freelance writer is easier than it used to be - especially if you're an SEO copywriter.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black is a freelance SEO copywriter and the author of How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. Ms. Black says, "You can make money online as a freelance article writer. I do it everyday -- charging $35-$100+ per article" Learn more about how to start a successful career as an SEO copywriter, or explore other freelance writing jobs

Production Techniques For the Online Article Writer

Let's face it there is a lot of competition in nearly every niche online when it comes to article marketing and online article authoring. There are also many theories on how best to write articles and which production techniques to use.

Over the years I have read many books from many writers about production techniques and some were good, some great, and some simply not for me. But, I have tried them all and on occasion I will employ each if it serves my purpose. I would recommend that article authors study what the top online writers are doing and do what works best for them.

Personally, I like to use all the production techniques and strategies out there, anything that I can use to increase efficiency. By doing this it allows me to enjoy the creative fun in writing articles and it's important to enjoy what you are doing, especially if you plan on doing a lot of it.

You do not have to sacrifice your creative genius to increase your article writing production. I refuse to do that, and you should refuse too and immediately commit yourself to doing both; enjoy creating quality articles and increase your production rates.

Eventually, every online article author has to come to terms with the realization that no matter which strategy you use, how much SEO thought you put into your work or how carefully you choose titles, topics and techniques, much of the online article author's success is about luck. Meaning you must put out large quantities of articles if you wish to get lucky consistently. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

7 Deadly Writing Sins

1. Sloth

The definition of sloth has changed over time. At one time, it was known as the sin of sadness and despair. Dante described it as the "failure to love God with all one's heart, all one's mind and all one's soul." Today, it is generally considered synonymous with laziness or indifference - the failure to use one's God-given talents and abilities to their fullest. So what does this mean for a writer?

It means that we should stretch beyond our comfort zone and challenge ourselves to hone our skills and learn new ones at every opportunity.

It also means that we should approach each day's work with enthusiasm and joy - joy that we have within us the ability to communicate clearly, to educate, to entertain, and to provoke thought and discussion among readers. Joy that we are able to see the world in infinite and interesting ways, and that we are able to transform that experience into words that we can share with others.

It means that instead of practicing avoidance when it's time to write, we ought to look forward to applying butt to chair and crafting the words that will touch another person's mind.

2. Gluttony

Gluttony is described as overindulgence and waste. Did Emperor Joseph II's accuse Mozart of gluttony when he criticized his work, saying, "Too many notes, my dear Mozart"? Perhaps. Perhaps we commit gluttony when we indulge our passion for words and wordplay and waste the reader's time by failing to engage, enlighten, or entertain anyone but ourselves.

3. Greed

Greed - as a sin - refers to obtaining or hoarding wealth, in particular. And some writers are very good at eschewing greed, saying, "I don't write for money, I write for the sheer love of it. I write because I can't not write. I write for art. I write for myself, alone." This last bit, "I write only for myself," could be seen as a form of hoarding. While ideas and words may not be material objects or wealth, they have value and should be shared - particularly if you accept the notion that writing is a God-given talent.

Shared, yes - stolen, no. Plagiarism would be a form of greed, coupled with envy. Steal someone else's words? I must have sensed this was a sin, given the number of times I've told rip-off artists to go straight to Hell. Whoops... guess I should re-read that section on "wrath."

"I write because I must," might be a form of pride - also one of the seven deadly sins. The implication in the tone is that anyone who doesn't feel that same compulsion is a lesser being, a "non-writer." We all have gifts; where would we be, after all, without the astute readers who buy our books or the skilled laborers who built the cold-water flat in the corner of the garret where we writers notoriously gravitate to do our work?

To write only for money would be a joyless thing (see "Sloth" above), but it is no sin to earn a comfortable living. One could argue that a comfortable living allows one to turn one's thoughts from gluttony and greed; knowing where that next meal is coming from tends to take the focus off of food.

4. Envy

Schadenfreude. Isn't that a fun word? Envy isn't merely wanting what someone else has, but wanting it to the point of feeling sorrow or resentment at another person's good fortune, and feeling a little gleeful when they are deprived of it. My mother once said that it is easy to find friends with broad shoulders to cry on when you are miserable, but hard to find any to come celebrate your good news with you. We do well to celebrate our colleagues' success - it can't help but earn us good Karma points. When another writer announces a sale, it doesn't mean there's one less publishing opportunity in the universe to be scooped up by us. When someone reports a six-figure advance, we should take that as a sign that there is abundance in the universe, and resolve to apply butt to chair just a little more diligently so that we might be next.

5. Lust

Ask the spouse or lover of any writer, and I'll bet they'd say there's just not enough of this sin going around...

6. Pride

Too many people confuse "pride" and "self-confidence." It's a confusing word, too: On the one hand, we are told that pride is a sin; on the other, we are told to "take pride in [our] work." Pride - the sin - equates to narcissism or excessive self-love. Dante defined it as "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor." So how does this apply to us and our writing? Most of us are our own harshest critics. We could do with a little more self-love, and few of us are prone to excess in that department. But those of us who are published - do we ever think of those who simply write for the love of writing, with vague dreams of being published "some day," as "wannabes"? Do we dismiss the typo-ridden scrawls out of hand - and thus the writer who promulgated them? Someone helped us, when we were young and nave and just beginning to find our voices as writers. It's a debt marked "payable to the hopeful novice."

7. Anger/Wrath

Interestingly, wrath encompasses anger directed inward - so the next time you are tempted to bang your head against the wall, muttering, "Stupid, stupid, stupid - this reads as smoothly as a pig walks on stilts!" consider that you may be committing the sin of wrath. On the whole, though, writers have an excellent outlet for anger and wrath - they can sublimate the urge to kill and torment others who dearly deserve it by letting their characters damn themselves to Hell.

Holly Jahangiri is a professional writer who claims, tongue-in-cheek, to channel the spirits of Edgar Allan Poe, Erma Bombeck, and O. Henry. Holly is the author of the popular children's book, Trockle For more information, visit her blog, "Do I Have to Spell It Out?" at

How to Write Them Fast and Easy

Writing an internet article is a necessity especially if you are involved with Internet Marketing. Article writing for the Web serves a variety of purposes. Here are seven top tips to why writing internet articles is so important to build your internet business.

  1. Internet articles provide content for your website.
  2. Internet articles help in your search engine optimization.
  3. Internet articles help to market your website or blog.
  4. Internet articles can be distributed to reprint directories with your name and web information on them.
  5. Internet articles can be the basis for an ebook but putting at least 10 or more articles together.
  6. Internet articles can become an autoresponder ecourse.
  7. Internet articles can be submitted to your weekly ezine to build readership for your business.

As you can see, writing internet articles for the web is very useful, and you can certainly learn to write an effective Internet based article very quickly. The first step is to decide what you want to write about. The choices are limitless. To start generating some ideas, think about why you are writing the article. Are you writing an article for your site? If so, keep your target market in mind. What keywords do they want to know about?

One way to focus your article is to write a personal story that contains good keywords and also deals with a business issue. These topics could include how you started your business, why you started the one you are in, or even some of the challenges you have faced as a business owner.

Conduct keyword research to see what your target market is searching for and focus your article to their interest while using your personal experiences. How you write your content is important, as the search engines will look for keywords to index this information. When someone searches for a specific term that you include in your content, the page on your site that features that information could come up in the search results.

For example, let's say you want to share the experience of starting a small business. You might find that people are using keywords such as "small business, entrepreneur, how to start a business" and so on. As you write articles, include these keywords and phrases. Say something such as "When I started my small business, I immediately became an entrepreneur. Entering the realm of entrepreneurship meant I had to plan in order to know how to start a business that would succeed." Can you see the use of the keywords in that first sentence?

Instead of struggling to find an article topic you have to research, just think of the lessons you have learned in pursuing business success and you can have a string of articles to write in a short period of time. Be sure you add a lesson or insight of value for others and you will have an article worth reading. Write an article a week to start then write an article a day. You will soon see that writing internet articles is not difficult and actually a fun way to build your internet business.

Consuelo Meux, Ph.D., is the Founder and President of the National Association of Christian Women in Business ( NACWIB equips women in business and leadership to gain the audacity of confidence while moving their business to new heights. Get instant access to two free business building reports when you subscribe to the ezine at

Simple College Essay Ideas

While it comes to writing college essay then there are many components & issues that one absolutely wants to know how one can master. No matter whether you locate yourself writing about proper method to store the plants in order that they will grow adequately and writing about why unlawful drugs must be legalized, as there are right & wrong ways to set-up & write college essay.

College Essay Papers: College essay is the opinion style format and these are type of college essays, which need individual to have opinion on a few issues & provide causes to help your opinion. These kinds of college essays generally have no right and wrong answer, however are generally graded on completeness of opinion all through the paper, and how clearly student conveyed their message.

Persuasive Essay Papers: Conversely, completely different kind of college paper is persuasive essay. These types of papers are destined to have solid structure with thesis statement at beginning of a paper, and whole rest of college essay is intended to support & back up thesis.

Six main constituents of persuasive college paper comprise of introduction, thesis statement, first, second, & third supporting paragraphs, & finally conclusion of this paper. For these kinds of college papers student have to master the writing concise & clear thesis statement, and forming supporting claims, which have substance & proof.

When written, all the college essays have got 3 main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Kind of college essay, which is being written can determine what information goes in all section, but trick & success in writing down great college essay generally lies in giving right kind of info, but as well in being brief and to point. There is not any room for "down" in college paper, and student must be careful to write down with easy words that they & their audience may easily know.

Getting Help with the College Essays: Almost all college students want to take 2 basic writing classes no matter what university or college they attend. Normally these classes may teach every student how one can form & write college essays, also these 2 courses essentially lay foundations for the other kinds of educational writing that one can experience and be needed to do all through one's college vocation. If you are in trouble, when beginning college essay, which you are not very sure about, then there are some places where one will absolutely get aid.

First, the colleges and the universities are always equipped with the tutor centers where all the students can get help in writing college essays & papers. These instructor centers must be able to aid student's form the introductions & thesis statements to make it clearer, and help them with he essays generally if they require help. Other sources for getting the help with this college papers comprise of brothers & sisters that might have gone through the university before them, and private tutors, which can be found all through college campuses.

Find tons of articles like this and more all on Tom's student blog

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Article Writing and How to Decide

Article writing is one of the best ways of promoting your site and providing you with back links which will result in your page rank being enhanced and therefore hopefully bringing more visitors to your site.

You want to write an article but you are unsure of what you need to do and what subject you want to write about. One of the best things you could write about is a subject that you have extensive knowledge of say a hobby or pastime or even a field of work that you have expert knowledge of and preferably a subject that is involved around the site you are promoting.

If you feel unsure of how you should set out your article and the number of words that you want to include in it then I would suggest that you have a look at other article sites that are available such as Freezine Articles, Isnare and Ezine Articles as well as Give-me-articles.

When writing your article at all times remember to include your website url at the bottom of it so that when it is published by the article site you are getting the back link which will help to increase your page rank. A site that I submitted an article for about 9 months ago are now having back links to sites with a PR of 5 or above.

Remember that an article which has been concisely put to together and is easy to read is likely to get more attention than one that rambles on. Also another benefit of producing an article is that sometimes another website owner will request the use of one of your articles and by allowing them to publish it on their site you are getting another back link to yours. Any of your articles that are published by other site owners must include your author and site details.

Allison Thompson lives in Spain and runs a number of websites including

Freelance Writing Fortune - Start Making YOURS Today

If you're struggling to make a go of it as a freelance writer, you might wonder if it's even POSSIBLE to make a comfortable, but modest, living from writing - much less a fortune. But that's because you're probably still following the OLD freelance writing model.

The one where you try to break in with newspapers and magazines while you struggle to complete a novel, or even a nonfiction book, in the hopes of it one day becoming a best-seller, making you rich and famous in the process.

Sound familiar?

True, there are a few writers today who have made a fortune following this old model. But most writers these days are following a much different model to acquire their freelance writing fortune.

The new freelance writing model involves some or all of the following:

Online content writing - On the Internet, everyone is looking for quality content, and plenty of it. If you can provide this content, you can start making money right away.

Corporate writing - Writing for businesses is big business. From the small mom-and-pop operations in your own neighborhood, to the Fortune 500 companies across the globe, they all need the services of a writer from time to time.

Article marketing - This involves writing short information articles on a regular basis and submitting these articles to online article directories. Articles for these directories serve the writer in a variety of ways and are a major part of today's new freelance writing model.

Information products - Today's freelance writer doesn't wait for contracts and assignments. Instead, he tends to create his own information products, which include articles, special reports, e-books, CDs and downloadable audio files, and even teleseminars.

JV partnerships - The new freelance writing model calls for both short-term and long-term joint venture partnerships with other writers and entrepreneurs.

If you're ready to start making your freelance writing fortune, break away from the old model and learn more about the components of the new model right away!

Find out more about writing for Fortune 500 companies at and learn how to get started writing online content at

Suzanne Lieurance is a fulltime freelance writer and the Working Writer's Coach. She coaches writers to the freelance writing career of their dreams through her 12-week Working Writer's Coaching Program.

Success in Freelance Writing

It can be easy to follow a new diet, a new exercise routine, a cleaning schedule or just about any thing that you can list right here for just one day. It isn't the one day that is difficult, but it is the day after or the day after or the day after. No matter what it is that you are attempting to do in your life, consistency is a key component.

1. Have a plan. Being consistent in what you want is easier if you have a plan set up to help you get there. Think of the plan as a map that will lead you to your purpose or goal. Make your plan personal to your style - it can be a list of things that need to be done, it can be an hourly schedule or it can be a time line set up to show the how, the win and the ultimate goal of it all.

2. Set smaller goals along the way. Thinking about losing 100 lbs can seem impossible (unless you are on The Biggest Loser Ranch) and your ultimate goal may be to publish a book, to make a living off a blog or to leave your current 9 to 5 job to write full time. Setting goals that are too overwhelming can derail your efforts. Think about baby steps. What will you do this week to get one chapter written? What will you do today to build your unique visitors by just 10%? Break your ultimate goal into smaller goals and you will find that will each accomplishment comes a surge of energy to help you push on.

3. Become accountable. The reason people tend to be more successful at accomplishing tasks in a work environment or group situation is because of the accountability that comes from being around other people. Start a writing group. Put your goals in writing and sign a contract to complete those goals. Have your fellow writers witness the contract and agree to encourage you along you path. Knowing that someone else is watching out for what you are doing (or not doing) is sometimes enough to keep you going in the right direction.

4. Be realistic. It is okay to shoot for the moon, but make it the one orbiting Earth. Keep your goals far fetched but attainable. You are NOT going to get an 8 million dollar signing bonus for your first book (unless you've been married to certain Presidents) so setting a goal like that will only lead to disappointment, discouragement and difficulty reaching out towards new goals in the future. Look at the normal publishing world and situations and aim for something in or just above the norm.

5. Give yourself a reward when you reach different points of your success. Have a list of rewards as part of your plan so that you know what you are working towards for each level of accomplishment. Think of these as bonus pay for a job well done. It could be a day at the spa, a day at the beach or a day reading a good book and doing little else. Make your rewards something that you wouldn't normally do so that you will work for the treat.

Becoming a successful freelance writer is no different than finding success in any aspect of your life. You have to be consistent in your pursuit of the purpose. That means that each and every day you have to step out in the plan and push to make the plan a reality.

Kathryn Lang is a freelance writer out of Alabama. She posts regularly on several financial websites about finances, budgets and travel. Kathryn also writes about a writer's life at You can also find out more information about her business at

How to Express Percentage Changes and Use Numbers Correctly in Technical Writing

A number is tricky thing. As a technical writer you have to pay attention to the way you are using numbers and expressing changes in ratios and percentages.

For example, when you say "the file size shrunk by 100%" you are basically saying this: "The file has just disappeared!" Is that what you really wanted to say?

If a 4 Meg file shrunk to 2 Meg in size, it shrunk by 2 Megs.

What was the original file size? 4 Meg.

When you divide 2 by 4 you get 0.5, correct?

Multiply that by 100 to get a percentage - and you get 50% (not 100%)

Here is a good rule to find out the percentage changes in file sizes:

1) Start with the original size (O).

2) Subtract the final size (F) from O to find the difference (D).

3) Divide D with O and multiply by 100. That's your correct percent difference.

You can apply this not only to "file size" but ANY quantifiable and measurable change as well.

For example, imagine you moved from a house that cost $120,000 to one that cost $176,000. How much more expensive the new house is?

1) O (original cost of [the old] house): $120,000

2) F (final cost of [the new] house): $176,000

3) D (difference in the costs of two houses): $56,000

4) Percent difference: (56/120) x 100 = 46.6%

The new house is 46.6% more expensive than the old one.

When you are describing a process that takes "twice as long," or "two-times slower," do not write "the process is now 200% slower" because that would be incorrect.

The correct expression would be: "the process is now "100% slower". Here is why:

1) O (original process duration): 24 minutes

2) F (final process duration): 48 minutes

3) D (difference in duration): 24 minutes

4) Percent difference: (24/24) x 100 = 100%

If you are interested to read more about technical writing as a career and how it can help you earn a steady living, visit You might be pleasantly surprised with what you'll find out. Join the thousands who are already helped and inspired by this information provided by a Fortune 500 Senior Technical Writer. Visit today and claim your free report "How Much Do Technical Writers Make?"

Dr. Ugur Akinci is a Fortune 500 Sr. Technical Communicator

Freelance Writers - How to Sell $25-$35 Per Article Writing Services to Clients

Article marketing works. There's no doubt about it. And, to make money online as a freelance writer, it is one of the easiest services to sell to clients. Many freelance writers either overlook this easy way of making money online, or don't know how to market it effectively.

This article explains why article marketing works, and how to make money online as a freelance writer selling the service to clients.

Make Money Online: Why Article Marketing Works

In order to convince someone to buy something, you have to first convince them that it works. In marketing, this is known as pointing out the benefits to the buyer. In succinct terms, the benefit of article marketing is twofold: (i) it generates long-term traffic; and (ii) it increases on- and off-line sales.

How Article Marketing Works to Generate Long-term Traffic

Article marketing generates long-term traffic because when buyers conduct research online, they're searching first for information. If they run across an article you wrote for a client site, for example, that answers all of their questions, how likely do you think they'll be to make a purchase?

If you're an optimist, you said, "Very likely." If you're pessimist, you said, "Not very likely." For the pessimist, I counter with, what if you found a repository of articles on a site. While one article may not do the trick, 3, 5 or 10 might.

And, this is one benefit freelance writers can point out to potential clients - ie, fill your site with informative content -- and clients will be more likely to buy from you.

FYI, information never goes out of style. It is the number one thing consumers search for online. Hence, informative articles on a site - written in the right way (eg, written with search engine optimization (SEO) techniques in mind) - can drive traffic to a site for years.

An article written 1, 3, 5 or 10 years ago can still drive traffic - if it was written with SEO in mind. And, the more traffic a site has, the more sales it makes.

SEO Copywriting: Why Article Writing is the Perfect Job for Freelance Writers

More and more businesses are putting larger parts of their budgets into online advertising. And, article marketing campaigns are a big part of this.

When you lay out to clients how and why they need informative content on their sites - and you show them why you're the perfect person to provide it, it becomes a no-brainer for them to hire you to write that content.

Freelance Writing Rates for Articles: Charge $25-$50 and Make $30K to $50K/Year

You can charge $25, $35 or $50 or more for simple articles of only 350-500 words. Write five or six of these a day, and you can easily replace a job where you make $30,000-$50,000/year.

Making money online as a freelance writer is easier than it used to be - especially if you're an SEO copywriter.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black is a freelance SEO copywriter and the author of How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. Ms. Black says, "You can make money online as a freelance article writer. I do it everyday -- charging $35-$100+ per article" Learn more about how to start a successful career as an SEO copywriter, or explore other freelance writing jobs

Writer Should Have a Website

When you want to know something about your favorite celebrity, company or product what is the first thing that you do? If you're anything like me, you will head straight to your closest computer and hop online to see what you can find. Millions of people do this exact same thing every single day of the week and that is the easiest and most excellent reason that every writer, especially those of us who would like their name to be known, should have a website.

#1: For Contact Purposes - If someone needs to contact you - a fan, someone interested in hiring you, someone wanting to purchase something you have written, etc. - the easiest way for them to find you, if they don't already know you personally, is by searching for your name online. If you already have a website then they will be more likely to find you and a way to contact you. You should always have some sort of contact information on your website. You don't have to list your complete mailing address with home phone number. Just add an email address and you will be set.

#2: To Showcase All of Your Work in One Place - Most writers will have work in numerous locations, both online and off, so having a website will help you to showcase all of your work in one location. You can show everyone who visits your site exactly where they can find things that you have written. It is much easier to give people one single website address, that leads them straight to your website, over trying to give them the numerous site addresses, that lead to all of the work you have out there in the world.

#3: For Business Cards - There is a common item when it comes to business cards, website addresses. Sure they have the person's name and maybe even their phone number, but one of the most common additions to a business card is the person's website address. The majority of people would prefer to check out your information online before they would bother calling you on the phone. Once you have created your own website, be sure to add the address to your business cards.

#4: For Fan Interest - Last, but not least, you can think about fan interest. Sure, you may think that you don't have fans, or you will never have fans, but you never know. If you have people reading your work then you can almost always ascertain that you have at least one or two fans in that group. A fan-base does not happen over night. It takes time to build up a following and when that happens your fans will want a place that is all about you. Fans enjoy reading about their favorite writers/authors. You never know when something of yours will explode on the web and send thousands of page views in your direction.

Some of you may be worried about the expense of having your own website. Well, I can tell you right now that the expense far outweighs the benefits. You can purchase your domain name for only a few dollars per year. I purchased mine, for only $7.95 per year and have been thrilled with that purchase ever since. There are numerous places to purchase domain names very cheaply, all you have to do is search for them and compare prices.

I also have hosting for my website on Yahoo! Geocities. I have found their site to be one of the all-time easiest sites to work with when it comes to building your own website and their prices are very reasonable - FREE and up. There are nearly just as many web hosting sites online as there are domain purchasing sites, so just keep looking until you find the one that is right for you.

Having your own website doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. You don't have to have some extravagant site filled with flash graphics and web forms. All you need is a nice, organized place to share with the world. Good luck out there, to all of us!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Writing For Profit - Writing Short Stories For Money

If you love to write short stories then why not write them for profit. People these days seem to have a much shorter attention span so the short story has come back into vogue.

People love to read short stories they are the perfect length for sitting in the Dr's office or while you are waiting to get your hair cut. They are just long enough to grab your interest but not so long that you cannot finish them by the time your turn has come. They can be found in books as compilations or in magazines; they come in all genres and vary in length from several hundred words to several thousand words.

How do you go about making money with your stories and where do you start? If you have never tried to get a story published before this can seem to be a daunting task, we have all heard how hard it can be to get an editor to look at your work. In the printed book world this can sometimes seem to be the case, if you have ever faced an editor's rejection you would understand.

Thankfully, there are many magazines that print short stories from unknown and well known authors, side by side. The biggest trick to finding one, is knowing how to use the Internet to couple your story with the right magazine, after all a horror story would not fit well in family circle. At most magazine companies you will find a list of their rules for submissions. If you want to have any chance at all you must follow these rules to the letter, any variance will end with a rejection notice no matter how good your story is.

There are places on the Internet that will help you get your stories published, many of them offer free services and will not only help you publish your work but will help you market it as well. Some of these such as Xilbris and Dorrance offer editorial and publishing services to help get your book the most publicity. A word to the wise though they will charge you for their services, but you get what you pay for and if you want to make money with your stories you are going to need a high quality publisher.

You can also sell your short stories on web sites in the form of eBooks. This is becoming a very popular medium for new writers and it is a great way to turn your short stories into some well deserved cash.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.

Easy Ways to Break Through Writer's Block and Land the Job You Want

Is it time to update your resume? Are you finding it hard to describe what you did in your most recent job? Are you trying to write a new resume, but don't know where to start? Writer's block happens to a lot of people writing their resume.

People who are currently working often face two difficulties when writing their resume. First, is seeing the forest through the trees. When there's so much detail about what you do, it can be very hard to step back and see the big picture. Second, if your job is boring, it's difficult to imagine that what you do is valuable and interesting to others.

If you're unemployed, it's natural to have conflicted or negative feelings about the job and the company. In that case, the struggle is to be positive about what you write.

Recent graduates may not have a lot of material to work with when writing their resume.

Here are some easy ways to overcome writer's block and write a powerful resume that will help you land the job you want:


Think about what needs to get done on a daily basis. What needs to get done weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly? These activities show that you have the requirements to do the job function, and work in the industry. Use words and phrases like "manage," "oversee," "understand," and "capable" in your resume.


If a brand new person, with no training at all, was put into your job, could they do it? Probably not. What skills, procedures, and systems would they need to learn? Most candidates know more than they think. Just because the skills, procedures and systems have become second nature to you doesn't make them less valuable to employers. Terms like "senior," "experienced," and "seasoned" will show that you have deep knowledge of the job and industry.


Remember the brand new person who tried to do your job in the previous paragraph? When that person fell short on the job, who would complain? The boss, customers, or coworkers? These are the people that rely on you. These are the benefits you bring to the table. Write something along the lines of "Provide _________ for_________ so they can _________." If you work with top decision makers, you can also say "Work closely with _________."


There are two types of problems:

The first type of problem is a onetime problem that needs to be solved right now. It can be a problem that prevents the group/department/company from moving forward (a missed opportunity). Or, it could be a "meltdown" such as a computer crash or a lost delivery. In either case, there is a real sense of urgency.

The second type of problem is the recurring, nagging type. Did you build a better mouse trap? Did you face the same problem over and over? These are the problems that force businesses to lose time, money or energy because they are just plain frustrating.

Be straightforward in describing your problem-solving skills: "Resolved recurring issue of _________ resulting in _________." Or, "Overcame the _________ problem and saved the company for _________."


Were you recognized for being great at one or two things on the job? Is there anything you wanted to be recognized for? Even if your boss overlooked your strengths, you can highlight them on your resume. Describe yourself as an "expert _________"


Apply the five tips described above toward your scholastic career, extracurricular activities, and hobbies. Remember, no one expects you to be a superstar straight out of school. Be bright, happy and responsible, and you'll be a valuable candidate.

Ready to learn more about how to write a resume?

Download my FREE 12-page report, "Anatomy of a Perfect Resume," at so you can learn:

  • The 4 most common deadly mistakes that people make and how to fix them!
  • How to create the perfect Career Objective & Career Summary sections
  • How to maximize your resume so you're the candidate your next boss wants to meet!

Scott Shane Holt has seen it all while hiring over 100 people on Wall Street, in good times and bad, and as an executive coach helping managers and other professionals accelerate their careers.

Essential Cover Letter Writing Tips

One of the most common mistakes which many people make when writing cover letters is to neglect the entire purpose of a cover letter. While some may go overboard with the amount and details of information they include in the letter, others, in an attempt to be informal, take an entirely-too-casual approach. It cannot be too strongly stressed that writing a cover letter is not the same as writing to a friend or a family member. Please resist the urge to be chatty, humorous, or overly personal.

The purpose of a cover letter is to provide your prospective employer with a brief view of the person who is seeking the job and the benefits and value you would bring to the company as an employee. It is meant to spark his interest in reviewing your resume and requesting an interview. The cover letter is your way of introducing yourself, making a good first impression, and outlining how you are the perfect "solution" to the employer's needs.

A good cover letter will help the prospective employer decide that he wants to know more about you, and what you can offer to his company. If you keep this in mind, you will be well on your way to writing a cover letter that does its job.

As your cover letter is the employer's first introduction to you, preparing it correctly is essential. It is a good idea to write an initial draft of the letter then "sleep on it" and review it the next day. In addition to taking care that the letter is written in the proper form for a business letter, you want to pay special attention to your spelling and grammar. One misspelled word can make the difference between capturing the employer's interest and landing your letter and resume in the "toss" pile rather than the "to interview" pile.

The information you provide in your cover letter should be clear, brief, direct, and to the point. As it is meant to be an overview of what you can bring to the company, you should focus on the most relevant facts while leaving the details for your resume. For example, if you have earned a college degree or have had prior experience that is relevant to the job, you can state these qualifications in your cover letter, but reserve dates and other specifics for your resume.

Your cover letter should inform the employer that you are interested in the job, and that you will be an asset to his company. It should let him know that you have the qualifications or experience that he is looking for in a new employee. It is your chance to make a positive impression, and to convince him that he wants to know more about you.

As one of the leading authorities on resume writing, cover letter writing, and job searching, Michelle Dumas is the founder of Distinctive Career Services LLC. Since 1996, Michelle and her team have empowered thousands of professionals worldwide with results-generating resumes, cover letters, and job search strategies. Visit to get your free "Revive Your Resume" audio mini-seminar.

6 Golden Rules For Fiction Writers

As an aspiring writer of novels you probably come across obstacles in your writing course on a daily basis. That is to be expected. Writing a novel is quite a long process and you are bound to have days when you have writer's block, lack of motivation, and are just feeling generally unproductive. Here are some fiction writing tips and golden rules for writers to get you back on track.

1. Write about subjects that are interesting to you. You may have a grand idea for a novel that you think will make you a millionaire, and in fact that may be the case. However, if it is a subject you have no interest in you are going to have a hard time staying motivated to complete an entire manuscript. If you're writing on a subject which is near and dear to your heart or at least something you are very interested in, you'll find the process of writing much easier. You'll also find you won't have to do as much research.

2. Don't let your mother look over your shoulder. A lot of writers subconsciously censor themselves because they begin to think about all the other people who might read their book should they get published. So instead of freely writing, they end up writing very stilted descriptions with the thought in mind of who is going to be reading it later. You must write without worrying about who will read your book.

3. Join a writer's group. This is important so that you can get constructive criticism that is objective. You may be showing your manuscript to your friends and family, but most of the time they are not going to give you very good criticism. Why? They don't want to hurt your feelings. But you need to hear what people actually think of your writing so that you will have a better chance of selling your work later. It's great to show your unfinished novel to your friends, but in your writers group you will get the best critiques.

4. Develop a thick skin. You must allow people to give you their honest opinion of your work. This is how you can improve. You also need to remember that you will probably get a lot of rejections for your work, and you will need to not take it personally. Learn from these rejections and improve your writing. Editors may sometimes include notes for you and these will be great fiction writing tips that you can apply.

5. Always read. Never stop reading books on writing, books in your genre, as well as a wide variety of other subjects. Become as well read as you possibly can.

6. Take classes. You may think that you already know all there is to know and that a class would only bore you, but you will find golden nuggets of crucial and invaluable information and fiction writing tips in each and every class, sometimes from your instructor and sometimes from other members of the class.

For more fiction writing tips and a step-by-step guide to write your novel, all you have to do is click here!

Learn how you can get your first novel started and finished easily with this step by step guide

The Publishing War

Looking for a publisher? In North America, there are hundreds of thousands of people who dream of becoming a published author. They write in their spare time, on their days off and well into the night. Most of them, however, are reluctant to step into the 'war zone' that is the publishing world. "Do I self-publish? Can I get Random House to take me seriously? Should I use a Print-On-Demand publisher?" The war is on!

There is a 'war' going on in the publishing industry. Some people believe a writer should only approach publishing houses like Harper, Bantam or TOR. Other people believe that smaller, independent or POD publishers are the way to go. One thing is for sure; there are many aspects to contemplate when looking for the right publisher. First, what is right for one person may not be right for another. In order to make a well-informed decision you must consider the differences between the three main types of publishing.

Traditional publishing is the writer's dream. A 'big house' publisher contacts you and loves your manuscript. You sign a contract a few months later. Approximately two to three years later, your book is in print and on the shelves. If you self-publish (or use a vanity press), you invest a hefty sum of money―usually $10,000 or more. You must store hundreds of books in your basement or pay for warehousing. Your book is in print and usually on the shelves in less than six months. If you use a Print-On-Demand publisher (POD), you invest a minimal amount―usually less than $2000.00. You receive 2 - 40 FREE books to do with as you please, and your book is in print in about two months.

Traditional Publishing:

With traditional publishing, a writer must abide by strict guidelines and every publisher has their own specific preferences. Some of the 'big houses' such as Berkley, and Random House will not even consider looking at an author if the writer does not have an agent. Most will not accept unsolicited work (which means simply that they have to request to see your manuscript, whether through an agent or as a result of your query letter).

The most important step is the query letter, and there is one rule to follow. The same rule applies to any piece of work you write, and is what I call The Three Firsts first sentence, first paragraph and first page. The first sentence must grab your audience (even a potential publisher) and should contain the title of your work. It must give them a reason to read further and 'hook' them into wanting to read more. The first paragraph must give an even stronger hook; otherwise, your query will be filedin the trashcan. The first and ONLY page in a query letter should answer the 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why) and how. Who will buy and read your work? What is the plot? Where does the story take place and where do you see it going? When will it be finished? Why will the public be interested and why should that publisher invest their time and money in you and your work? And how are you going to help promote your work after it's finished?

Once you've sent a query letter, you may be required to wait up to 6 months for an answer. If you have not already been published, or if your query letter did not grab their attention, you will receive a standard form letter, a.k.a. the rejection letter. If the publisher is interested, he may ask you to submit a proposal or plot summary and a few sample chapters. This may sit on his desk for months before he digs through the slush-pile of submissions he receives daily.
During the editing stage, the editor assigned to you will ruthlessly cut, shred and tighten your story, to their satisfaction. Sometimes you may agree with their editorial scissoring, and other times you may not. Some editors will work with you and help you churn out a top-notch novel. Others may wield their power over you until you feel someone else has written your story.

With a traditional publisher your book could take years before it sees the bookstore shelves. In the process, the publisher will determine the cover design (you may have some input, but usually the publisher makes the final decision). In most cases, you will make less than a dollar per book sold.

There are, however, undeniable benefits to being published by a traditional publisher. These books are accepted and found on most bookstore shelves. These books are returnable; this is an advantage for the customer but a disadvantage for the author as a large percentage of traditionally published books are returned or damaged. A 'big house' publisher will spend money on promoting you and your work; they will often arrange for interviews, appearances and booksignings. Your work will qualify for more contests, be considered more readily for movie options and, in general, you will be regarded as a professional author.


You can self-publish your book by taking your files to a printer, having them do a large run of copies, and finding a bookbinder to bind the cover or using a vanity press self-publisher to do everything. Years ago I self-published three books. I hired a layout editor, a printer and a bookbinder to publish my children's books. By the time I was finished, I had paid $150.00 for 18 hardcover, picture book prototypes―$150.00 each! My childcare directories were cheaper to publish (they cost about $5.00 each for about 100 copies) They sold for $5.99 so I made very little from them. (I still have unsold copies sitting in my basement.)

With self-publishing the biggest drawback is that you will usually have to invest thousands of dollars to publish a large print run of your book. You can print off smaller runs of your book but that will affect your retail cost and profit. Some people have invested $10,000 to $20,000 (especially with vanity presses) for thousands of copies of their book, as this reduces the individual copy price drastically. This means that when you sell your book, the profit margin is greatly higher than what you would receive from a traditional publisher.

The downside to this is that these thousands of books must be packaged (usually shrink-wrapped and boxed) and then stored. This leads to additional costs and often to a basement loaded with boxes of books. Some authors who chose this method are still wading through the boxes of unsold books, after years of trying to market their work.

When you self-publish you must constantly find ways to market your own books. This means either hiring someone or spending hours per day organizing booksignings and trying to get your book onto a book distributor's list. Most distributors will not even look at self-published books. Then there are the constant trips to the local bookstores, where even they will not look at you unless you are listed with a traditional publisher or a recognized POD publisher.

The advantages of self-publishing are that you have complete control over every aspect of your product―your book. You can design your own cover, layout the pages exactly the way you want, have the end product the size that you desire and market it wherever and however you feel. You can hire a publicist to help you, advertise any way and anywhere you want and schedule booksignings on your own schedule.

POD Publishing:

Print-On-Demand is becoming the wave of the future in the book publishing industry. POD publishers are sprouting up all over the world because there is a huge demand for publishing companies that will take anything the public can crank out. Consequently, anyone who wishes to be published CAN be published. While this is terrific for the person who simply wants to write his memoirs and keep it in the family, or for the grandmother who wants to leave behind a collection of family recipes, this method of publishing has its drawbacks for the serious author.

For a Canadian author, POD publishing requires a payment amount that ranges between $500.00 to $3500.00. This will usually pay for a specific package. Every POD is different in what they offer in their packages, and you must be careful of POD's that do not disclose all fees up front. Many POD's will charge for every process: ISBN numbers, printing costs, cover design, layout services, listing services, and internet or regular marketing services. A few companies actually give you your money's worth―Trafford Publishing is one.

With Trafford Publishing, the largest POD company in Canada, they offer comprehensive packages, and even allow you to upgrade later by paying the difference. They promise to deliver a completed product in four to six weeks. I have personally used Trafford Publishing twice and have found their services beyond compare. There were no hidden charges, no waiting for email responses, and no issues with the finished products. In fact, both books were comparative to anything you'd find published by a 'big house' publisher.

Trafford was recently featured in PROFIT: Your Guide to Business Success and ranked 5th in the Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies in Canada. Over 4000 authors (representing 5500 titles) from more than 75 countries use Trafford's service. 2% of all new titles published in North America, and about 250 new titles every month, come from Trafford Publishing.

There are other POD companies, as mentioned above. 1st Books, iUniverse, XLibris, and many more use the Print-On-Demand technology. You should always compare services. And there are things to look for before deciding which one to use. How long has this company been in business? This is a very important factor, especially with all the 'fly-by-night' POD's that have come and gone. In general, you should not even consider a company unless it has a track record of at least 5 years.

The best way to find out how a company rates is to go directly to the source. Read testimonials from other authors that have used their services. Then ask the publisher for three names and email addresses not on the testimonial list. If the publisher will not release that information, check their site. Research their authors, find email addresses and contact them. It's amazing what you will learn about a company by talking to the people who actually use their services. You will find out if the company is slow, if they return emails promptly, if there are unusual contract clauses, and if that company is worth your investment.

You should also thoroughly research the publisher online. Look for complaints or articles about the company and look especially for the publisher's site. Warning: If the publisher does not have his own .com, .net or .ca website―STAY AWAY. Never deal with a "publisher" who uses a sub-site address. A serious, respectable publisher will always invest in a proper website! Otherwise you will be using "Joe-Blows" service or "Grandma Mae's In-Home Publishing". If a POD publisher expects to be taken seriously, they will invest in a professional site, hi-tech equipment and experienced staff.

Remember to ask the 5 W's and How:

Who owns the company? Are they experienced as a publisher? Do they have the contacts to promote you? How many years have they published books?

What have they published so far? Do they have hundreds of satisfied customersor two or three? Some 'publishers' have advertised their services when they have only self-published their own work. What technology do they use for their printing, or do they hire out?

Where will your books be promoted? Will you be listed with book distributors? Will your book appear on and other prestigious websites?

When will you have a complete final product in your hands? Some POD's take up to six months before you have a finished product.

Why should you trust this company? What do they offer that is over and above the other POD's? What are their policies? Ask for a copy of the agreement or contract ahead of time. Take it to a lawyer if you must.

How much is their service going to cost? What is the total cost involved from beginning to end? Are there any hidden charges? Is it a safe risk and a realistic investment?

The advantages with a POD publisher are varied, depending on the company and their package deals. By choosing Print-On-Demand, you'll be helping the environment and saving thousands of trees. Your book will be printed as each order comes in; therefore, less waste. With a POD publisher, you can supply your own cover or hire someone to design a cover for you. You are free to promote yourself and your books any way you want. You can walk into a bookstore, speak with a manager and arrange for your book to appear on their shelves. A professional POD company will be on all the right 'lists', so you will not be as limited in what you can do with your book.

Of course, for an author the best reason to go with a POD publisher is that you will not get a rejection letter, your book will finally be published and will be available to the public in less than six months, and you can finally call yourself a "published author".

So, you want to be a published author. Do you have talent and can you actually write something worth reading? Have you researched your market and target audience? Do you have the wisdom to have all your work edited by at least three other pair of eyes? Are you willing to 'shamelessly promote' yourself? If you have answered 'yes' to all of these questions, you can be published. With today's technology and new outlook on the world of publishing, 'getting published' is easy! Choosing the right method of publishing is the difficult part. Trafford was 'right' for me, but it may not be 'right' for you. The war continues―the publishing war.

Note: This article reflects the viewpoint of the writer. It is a culmination of years of research and various publishing experiences (either the author's or those she interviewed). It is up to you, the reader, to glean what advice you can, to research on your own and to make your own informed decision. Although Trafford Publishing is highlighted in this article, there are other professional, well-respected POD publishers in all areas of publishing. And there are certainly pros and cons to all three types of publishing. ~ CKT

2004 Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Cheryl Kaye Tardif is the author of Divine Intervention, the 'psi-fi' suspense thriller that was compared to Nora Roberts/J.D. Robbs In Death series. She also wrote Whale Song, an emotional mystery novel suitable for all ages. Whale Song is being considered by a leading Canadian film producer.

Cheryl Kaye Tardif was featured in The Edmonton Examiner, and appeared on Shaw TV Red Deer, RDTV, and Shaw TV Edmonton. In November 2004, she was a guest on CJSR's "Liquid Chatter Talk Radio". Cheryl Kaye Tardif was recently featured in Real Estate Weekly (Edmonton). According to photojournalist, Heather Andrews Miller, who interviewed Tardif for the REW article, Cheryl Kaye Tardif is a gem in the literary world. She appeared on Global News Morning Edition on December 22, 2004. She will be in an upcoming issue of Edmonton Woman Magazine, a review of Whale Song will appear in Alberta Native News, and she will guest on New Age Radio.

Cheryl Kaye Tardif ~ Author

Friday, August 28, 2009

What is Writer's Block?

An inability to write, or writer's block, is "writer's block - an inability to write; 'he had writer's block; the words wouldn't come.'"1 Put otherwise, "writer's block - A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing."2

In contrast, "Flow" is a general state described in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. He defines flow as "the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable ... that people will do it ... for the sheer sake of doing it." There is tremendous power for any creative, especially writers, in learning how to manage their writing process and access word flow.

There are certain prerequisites for creative expression, including writing, that have nothing to do with creative blocks. It is essential that you have a place prepared to express yourself. It is ideal if this space is dedicated to your creativity, so that the tools you need, and projects in progress, can occupy the space. It has never worked for me, or any other creative I have known, to attempt to write or paint regularly without a dedicated creative space.

Another creative prerequisite is the proper tools for creativity. As a writer, or screenwriter, you require some combination of pens/pencils, paper, typewriter, computer, software and other implements. Also, you may require books and magazines for inspiration as well as technical guidance. Not knowing how to stretch a canvas or properly format a screenplay are not creative blocks. They are ignorance of essential creative technical skills.

Every artist must gain training, whether self-taught, through coursework, workshops, lectures, classes, books and media, or otherwise. A final prerequisite for creative work is time. You must schedule creative expression, including time for inspiration development, the way you would any essential activity.

So, if you have a place to create, you have the tools and training required to do so, and you have the time, and you still are not creating... then you likely have a creative block.

Procrastination is the single dominant behavior of the blocked artist.

Whatever the block, procrastination is the expression. Procrastination may take the form of obsessive e-mail checking, cleaning, endless research, wasted hours in Social Networking, and many other endeavors. Some creatives overeat, drink or party excessively, take class after class, or occupy themselves with other busy work, all to successfully avoid creating.

Recognizing the problem is a huge part of the issue. If you have what you need to create, and aren't creating, there are a number of tools available to assist you in breaking through writer's block or any other creative block.

If your writer's block is serious, and you are committed to doing WEIT ("What ever it takes," ~Tony Robbins) to break through, you can get professional coaching through a trained, certified professional. You can also find a number of fantastic products, audio, book and otherwise, online.

To your Word Flow!



2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by the Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

H. Raven Rose is based in Los Angeles, CA. She loves words, color, art, listening to music and eating imported gourmet dark chocolate (although not necessarily all at the same time). Her combined loves, training and education are in Writing, Art, Self-Development, Transpersonal Psychology, and Spirituality. She is primarily a Screenwriter, Writer, Coach and Speaker and teaches workshops and develops books and products for writers through her company Word Flow. As a certified Covey Coach, a CTI Coach, and certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts facilitator, she coaches writers in breaking through their blocks so they can access Word Flow. "Get your Flow On!" Definitely check out today.

How to Accept Rejection Letters

We've all suffered rejection and disappointment. Perhaps that job you coveted or someone you loved who might have even led you on before dropping you. It hurts. But you move on. And it does get better. It does, trust me.

Being a published writer involves accepting rejection. Think of rejection as an integral part of a road to success. If you have never been rejected then you haven't really tried, have you? There are several ways that you can gain a good perspective on your rejection letters and even make them work to your advantage.

Adopt a Healthy Perspective

One way is to adopt a realistic, objective and healthy viewpoint on your story's rejection:

View selling manuscripts as a "cold call" business: When you view it this way, you will treat it that way. Until you establish a relationship with your market, selling becomes a numbers game. The more you send, the more likely you are to get a hit. It's all in the statistics.

View rejections as an opportunity. Rejections can provide you with the opportunity to learn and re-evaluate, usually of appropriate market and publisher subjectivity rather than writing quality.

View rejections as the beginning of a relationship. Not all rejections are final; in fact most aren't. Most rejections by a publisher or magazine editor stem from story redundancy, lack of space or editorial requirements. Many rejection letters will reflect this (e.g., "Thanks, but this isn't a match for try us again." They mean it. It means they liked your writing but the story wasn't right-they may have run something too similar to it already or it didn't fit with the other pieces or theme or whatever.)

View rejections as part of your success journey. Rejection is a given in the writing business, where a story may be considered "before its time", untried, or a risk and therefore harder to place. This is often why a book that was rejected so many times becomes a great hit once it is published. The very quality that made it hard for a publisher to accept made it a success with the readership-its refreshing yet topical originality.

View rejections as your first step to success. Take heart in the fact that you reached this stage in your writing career. Getting that first rejection in the mail is a great affirmation that you have taken that first significant step to becoming a serious writer.

Acceptance begins with rejection.

Make Rejection Work for You

You can maintain a more objective view on your rejections by keeping an objective view on your submissions. This can be accomplished by submitting a lot and submitting often. Treat your submissions-and rejections-like a business. The best way to do this is to submit lots of stories and to keep submitting them. The critical part of this process is to always have a contingency ready for each story submitted. Once a story is returned you have a place to send it already.

Karen Mason publishes The Passionate Writer for people seeking guidance on getting their own books published. Our coaching and training programs are designed specifically for writers who are serious about becoming "published authors"

Get more tips to help you promote your career as an author and re-discover the "magic" of writing!

Easily Check Your Writing

Can an advanced Paragraph and Sentence Checker change the way we write English? Speaking a language is considered less formal and easier than writing; thus it requires us to keep our writing correct and professional. Let's take a look and see how recent technological improvements can help us on improving our writing skills.

Short overview

Auto proofreaders such as the following Paragraph and Sentence Checker easily help you to write proper English by identifying and correcting your most common grammar and punctuation errors. How can it correct your grammar? The idea is comparing your sentences with their own 'proper' sentences variations analyzed by a sophisticated algorithm. Grammar writing programs enable us to: quick analysis for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in some cases even text enrichment suggestions.

Main benefits

Let's summarize the main benefits and advantages:

* Enriching our English vocabulary.

* Saving on proofreading and editing costs such as hiring proofreading services or professional editors.

* Improving our word choices with synonyms, adjectives, and adverbs suited to our text.

Extra research on this solution would probably bring up additional benefits that aren't described in this article, as this advanced tool is constantly moving forward, bringing us fresh improvements that help us on improving our Grammar writing and proofreading skills.

Final words

To conclude this article: Paragraph and Sentence Checker focuses on one main goal - that is transforming complex grammar proofreading tasks automatic and accurate. It is important to keep in mind that this technology is not 100% perfect; however, it helps us dealing with most of our common writing problems. We can only expect this solution to further develop itself, for a single reason: writing is one of the most important tools that help us fulfill our daily assignments.

Watch how an advanced Paragraph and Sentence Checker analyzes text and learn more about innovative technologies that can help you transform your English writing correct, professional and creative.


Ways to Make Money Online For Writers

As a freelance writer, there are loads of ways to make money online. The Internet is afterall nothing more than a collection of content, much of which is text based. From blogging to content writing to copywriting, there are loads of different writing fields you can get involved in that could generate a serious income.

That's not to say earning money as a writer is easy - it's just that with the variety of different ways to make money online as a writer, there's so much demand for writing services. As a content writer, you can easily command up to $100 an hour, with even just a few months experience. Provided you know which clients to work for, you present yourself properly and you deliver on your client's expectations every time, this isn't far off what you can expect to earn.

Bloggers are paid anywhere from $5 to $500 per post. Some blogs pay writers per post, some pay through revenue share, some bloggers earn money through ads on their own blogs, and others do it for free. It's a much more specialized type of writing than content writing, and much more difficult to succeed and make money in. Because of the demand for high quality, the competition is fierce, and while it can be possible to earn money blogging on some of the smaller networks with very little experience, your earning potential may be restricted, unless you start your own blog.

Copywriting is again very specialized, but also provides opportunities for earning a great deal of money. Sales copywriting for Internet marketing especially pays particular well, with fees ranging from about $97 through to $10,000 and beyond for a singly sales letter. Again, it's not as straightforward as writing articles, but it can still be a great way to earn money writing if you know what you're doing.

STOP: Want to learn more about earning $100/hour writing articles? Visit to learn the secrets the industry insiders tried to cover up!

Ends of the Spectrum For Online Writers

Amazingly enough, most authors speak of writer's block, but if you are an online author, you'll never survive if you have writer's block. To me writer's block is a false reality where the individual through negative bio-feedback believes that they cannot write well unless they are in the mood.

So, they do everything they can to get in the groove or in the zone, so they can write as well as they did during their very best writing session. This type of thinking will prevent authors from being successful, reaching their goals and achieving their dreams. I refuse to go there.

Still, there is the other side of the coin, writing so much that you burn out, when writing becomes a chore, a bore and well, something you dread. Many folks that take their hobby and turn it into a job talk about this. They say when I did it for fun or a hobby it was great, now that I do it for a living, I hate it. This is something that is very common amongst writers and it is rather unfortunate, it does happen. How do I prevent this?

Well, first off, I write about stuff that I wish to write about, fun stuff, things that I like or enjoy. When you do that writing can be a lot of fun actually. You know, I never considered myself a writer. I never even really liked writers. I've always considered myself a doer, not a writer.

In fact, I received a D+ in journalism in the seventh grade, worst grade I ever got in all of my schooling. I guess I have my revenge being the most prolific online article writer on record now, but more importantly, I'd say that proves if I can do it, then anyone can!

Burn out in article writing happens for two reasons, one is you just flat run out of things unique and interesting to write about or you have written about nearly everything you know already. This is why you need to have balance and seek new input and apply what you learn, see and observe to your writing.

Think of it like recharging your batteries; go out and do new things, meet new people and see the world from different perspectives, when you are done you will find new ways to approach old topics and find new topics to apply to your current knowledge.

By doing this you will keep your mind fresh and allow your creative juices to continue to flow over the rim. Just be sure to carry a note pad with you to write down the ideas you have will seeking out new adventures and activities.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

What is a Ghost Writer

Ghost writers are writers for hire who take money but none of the credit for the work produced. The original writer, or author, is hiring the ghost as a freelance writer to produce copy writer work for a fee. The author takes all the credit for all the original work produced, including all the original writing produced by the ghost writer. The ghost, who is usually paid in advance of completing the job, gets the money as a "work for hire" job and assumes none of the credit for the ghost writing work.

This may sound odd, but it's a common practice. When someone wants to create new copy for a website, a ghost writer may be hired to rewrite it, and there are many similar jobs such as writing ad or business copy, or supplying new or rewritten material for personal or professional use. The ghost is hired primarily as a professional freelance writer, in order to produce high quality writing copy and so that the writing reads professionally. A paid professional freelance writer is often the only source to which to turn to get sparkling, well written website copy or other paid professional writing copy. And a ghost is hired to bring this about, either as an on staff writer or as a freelance writer who is paid specifically for the job at hand.

Ghost writers are also hired to write books for people. In such cases, the author of the book is the person who hires the ghost writer, and not the ghost, unless the book author wants to share some of the credit with the ghost. In this case, the ghost may be listed as a coauthor or as the "editor" of the book, and generally this is listed somewhere in the acknowledgments page. Sometimes the well known, "as told to -----" with the name of the ghost writer being mentioned is listed on the cover of the book. This is often the case when well known ghost writers are used by the books' actual authors.

Ghosts often work for very high sums of money, although with recent competition standards being set by third world countries such as India and China, and with bidding service agencies looking for the highest bidder on ghost writing projects, this is not always the case. But in many cases, a ghost writer will charge a fee of $10 to $25,000 to be the book writer hired by a book author to produce exceptional quality, sterling book writing over three to six months of working on the book. A ghost writer is hired for his or her quality of work, and not necessarily for his or her "name" as a book writer. But there are many kinds of deals which a ghost can "cut" with the book author in order to produce a fair deal for both parties when the contract is signed between the ghost writer and the book author.

For example, the ghost writer can take a lower fee in the case of a book which is very likely to sell widely and well, such as $10K paid in advance to write the book, a sum which can be paid all or partly out of a book advance. Then the ghost may take about 10-20% of the book's gross profits over time as it is sold, perhaps with a ceiling cap or highest amount the ghost is allowed to make from the book's gross profits. This method is only used when the book is nearly guaranteed to be published and to sell at high profits.

Also, the ghost can take a lower fee if credit is shared with the book author. Again, this is only suggested when the book is guaranteed to sell well or for some reason the ghost especially wants his or her name on the book as one of the book's authors, for reasons of prestige or other such needs. At any rate, it is up to the book author and the book writer to determine whether or not the ghost should take all his or her money as advance pay for a "work for hire" job, or if the book writer wants to share credit with the book author or to take a percentage of the book's gross profits over time as payment for the work.

However you slice it, the ghost writing business can be quite lucrative. In order to become a well paid ghost, you should have plenty of experience as a freelance writer, perhaps including some books published under your own name or years of experience writing website and other types of copy for businesses. You should be experienced as a freelance writer who has been paid regularly for your services, and then you may take on the career of becoming a paid professional freelance ghost writer. Even though the economy may be bad, there is always room in the writing profession for another freelance writer. And it can be a very lucrative career, once you know how to handle its ins and outs, and once you learn how to deal with your clients as a ghost writer should.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

10 Ways to Earn Even More Money From Writing

One thing that every writer wants to know is how to earn more money from writing. This is because being a writer can be a fickle business sometimes and so you need to have as many sources of income as possible.

You also need to use your time wisely to be able to write as much as you can and be as productive as you can. You need to use the phrase "Don't Get It Right, Get It Written" as often as possible to get you off the starting blocks and writing as much as you can, instead of trying edit your work and be as perfect as possible as you go along. It's so much easier to just start writing and don't stop till you've finished and THEN go back and edit your work later. Remember that writing and editing and two different jobs and should never be done together.

But what you really want to know is how to earn more money from writing. And below are 10 easy ways for you increase your writing income.

1. Write more. I know it sounds obvious that writers should be writing but you'd be surprised at how many people call themselves writers yet they hardly ever write. To improve your writing, get a book of an author you like (or a writer whose style you admire) and copy their work. Just sit and copy out their writing word-for-word. This will give you a really good understanding of their writing style and how you can incorporate it into your own writing.

2. Read more. Successful writers are avid readers as well as being prolific writers. Reading improves you knowledge, exposes you to different writing styles, and can also help you to come up with great ideas for your own writing.

3. Find more freelance markets. If you want to make more money you need to sell more writing. So spend a bit of time every week surfing online and browsing through magazines looking for new writing markets. You can also sign up for regular writers ezines that contain current writing markets. Always be on the look out for new writing opportunities.

4. Submit more queries. Once you've found new markets you then need to make sure that you do actually get your writing published. So make a definite decision to send out at least 5 queries or short stories to different writing markets every week. And then make sure you do it, even if you have to get up early or stay up late.

5. Try different writing projects. Instead of sticking to the same kind of things you write, try branching out into something new. For instance, if you mostly write articles for women's magazines, trying writing jokes, verse, puzzles or children's stories and find new places to submit them.

6. Write and publish eBooks. EBooks are a great way to earn a passive income. You can write an eBook in as little as 24 hours and publish it online in only a few minutes. And because there's no cost involved in selling eBooks you can write as many as you want for as long as you want.

7. Write and publish books. There's nothing more wonderful for a writer than to feel the first copy of your book in your own hands. It's so easy now to publish your own books that there's nothing to stop you from becoming a prolific author and publish several books a year.

8. Learn new writing. There may be areas of writing that you don't feel proficient in. Maybe you've never really tried writing fiction, or, like me, you want to learn copywriting or SEO writing. Choose a area of writing that you've never tried before but would like to learn, and then learn to do it.

9. Invest in your writing. Don't be afraid to spend money to further your writing career. Splash out on some really fancy notebooks and expensive pens or treat yourself to a new computer. Or how about taking a seminar or a writing course or maybe there's a book about writing that you've been thinking about buying. Just open your wallet and buy whatever it takes to help you write more and earn more.

10. Write more. Now you probably notice that this is the same advice in step number one. But it is so important that it needs mentioning more than once. To be a great writer you need to be great at writing and the more you write, the more natural writing will be for you and so the better a writer you'll become. As you write more and more your words will flow onto the paper (or computer monitor) more easily and so your writing will sound more natural. Never stop writing.

The bottom line is that writers write. They always write. When a writer is not writing, they are thinking about writing. And when they're not writing nor thinking about writing, they are reading about writing. So if you want to be a writer, be the very best you can and start writing now.

Want to learn more about becoming a writer? Just go to, scroll to the bottom of the page and download the FREE eBook, "How to Make Even MORE Money as a Writer" that outlines the different and most profitable ways to earn money working at home as a writer

And if you want to keep up to date with the lastest writing news, competitions, free resources, articles and more go to and sign up for the free monthly newsletter and receive the free eBook "Become a Freelance Writing Success" as soon as you subscribe. While you're at the site, make sure you look around and download all the free writers' eBooks, software and other resources to help really kick-start your writing career

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to Make Money Writing Poetry

If you are passionate about poetry you can make money writing poetry. All over the world there are poetry lovers just like you who will become your fan and buy every work of art you release.

A loyal customer base of crazed fans does not happen over night . You must first know how to get exposure, deliver samples of your work, and gain appreciation for your work. This involves a very specific marketing process which I am going to outline in this article to help you make money writing poetry.

What I am going to teach you is nothing new. However, it is a critical process that artists often miss because they are coming from an artistic angle rather than from a business prospective.

When it all comes down to it, you are running a business...A business selling your poetry. And that's how you must pursue it if you want to make money writing poetry.

Here are the steps you must take.

1. Set up a lead generation page. This is simply a one-page website where you offer a free sample of your work and invite people to join your mailing list in order to get more free samples of your work. In essence, this lead generation page is how you will build your fan base.

2. Communicate with your fans via an auto responder. An auto responder is simply a mailing list that sends out a sequence of pre-written emails once a person opts in to your mailing list from your lead generation page. This is how you can expose your work and build credibility with your fan base on autopilot.

3. Sell your poetry in digital format. There is free software and online utilities you can use to publish your poetry in digital format. You can take a collection of poems and digitize them into ebook, video, or audio format and allow your fan base to pay you via Paypal and download the product immediately after wards. Paypal has a feature that allows you to create such a payment button for your website.

4. Continue to build your fan base, communicate, and sell your work. Over time, you can build a large fan base that will poor thousands of dollars in your Paypal account, at the click of a mouse, every time notify your mailing list of crazed fans about the release of your new poetry ebook, or mp3 audio, or online video.

Michelle L. Green offers a free home study course that will teach you exactly how to build your one-page website so you can make money writing poetry. To claim your free copy, visit

Monday, August 17, 2009

Production Techniques For the Online Article Writer

Let's face it there is a lot of competition in nearly every niche online when it comes to article marketing and online article authoring. There are also many theories on how best to write articles and which production techniques to use.

Over the years I have read many books from many writers about production techniques and some were good, some great, and some simply not for me. But, I have tried them all and on occasion I will employ each if it serves my purpose. I would recommend that article authors study what the top online writers are doing and do what works best for them.

Personally, I like to use all the production techniques and strategies out there, anything that I can use to increase efficiency. By doing this it allows me to enjoy the creative fun in writing articles and it's important to enjoy what you are doing, especially if you plan on doing a lot of it.

You do not have to sacrifice your creative genius to increase your article writing production. I refuse to do that, and you should refuse too and immediately commit yourself to doing both; enjoy creating quality articles and increase your production rates.

Eventually, every online article author has to come to terms with the realization that no matter which strategy you use, how much SEO thought you put into your work or how carefully you choose titles, topics and techniques, much of the online article author's success is about luck. Meaning you must put out large quantities of articles if you wish to get lucky consistently. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Beginning Through Awareness

Are you living your values, or has your life been hijacked by someone else's? Are you living your life through the eyes of someone else, or is it your own? Is this journey your truth or someone else's truth? Are you living the experiences they want you to or that you want?

Values are ideals that guide you through life. They help distinguish and inform you as to what is important and provide a way in making stronger choices that are in line with your heart. When you live by your values, life is fulfilling and joyful. There is a sense of calm, completeness and contentment. When you don't live by your values, there is a feeling of quiet frustration that drains your energy without even an awareness that it's happening.
Many of us go through life unaware of where we are headed. We

plough through the days must's, should's and have to's and don't stop to reflect and adjust according to our intentions or desires. It's okay to get side-tracked. Being sidetracked could be a form of relieving tensions or anxieties.

Getting side-tracked could also be a way of reminding us to reflect. To find out if where we are headed is the direction we really want to go. Is where I am going in alignment with my true heart's desire? For me, what I plan on doing, is being more aware when I do get side-tracked. And because of my awareness to what may occur, I will get back on the bus and begin the forward movement I initially intended earlier.

Most importantly, every time you feel like life is giving you a bad deal, or your wheels are stuck in the mud, ask yourself if you are chasing someone else's dreams and values or yours. Each one of us will make many different stops, turns and directions that are unique only to us. But there's one thing that we all have that is the same. Time. Being side-tracked is part of life, but how long do you intend to be side-tracked? The price you will have to pay is in the delay of your dreams or pursuing another's vision and finding out it was never yours all along.

You can begin anew with awareness to what is. Recognize your values. Values also change in priority depending on what is happening in your life. When a newborn arrives, your value of freedom and adventure may be restricted temporarily, but your value for commitment, care, reliability, provider and radiance is magnified.

Reflect and then adjust your intentions according to your desires. Make sure your values line up with your truth and not someone else's. Living with values that are a priority in your life will create a life filled with fulfillment and joy, and a sense of calm and contentment. Create a new beginning and strive to become the real you.

Discover the #1 Rule to Live By and 7 Life-Changing Steps to transform your life! Wake Up To Life is a monthly ezine for women in transition and of all ages who seek clarity, direction, meaning, change and purpose in their lives. Transform from mediocre and mundane to passionate and with more zest. Visit and begin designing the life of your dreams!

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