Saturday, July 18, 2009

Writing Articles and Earning Money

If you are planning to write articles for the web and forge a successful financial career out of the same, there are few points that you should keep in mind. Remember, nobody has time to waste online and the average surfer will browse a site for a maximum of 10 seconds. That is all the time you have to catch his attention. Can you imagine the outcome of your carefully planned 500 words article if nobody even stops to read the first paragraph completely?

Remember, the heading and the first paragraph constituted the most important part of an article and hence special care should be taken to compose the same. One should put eye catching headlines and follow up the same with an interesting introductory paragraph. I do not know about others, but I generally write the entire body of the article first and then compliment the same with an interesting heading and an introductory paragraph. The initial section should act like a table of contents for the rest of the text.

One might be well inclined to put false statements in the preliminary paragraph, but that is akin to committing suicide. After you have composed the body of your article, just read through it a couple of times and try to understand what you want to convey to the viewers. This information is what should be used to make up the first paragraph.

Earning money by writing articles is not tough as long as you are willing to work hard and do a bit of research. There is a huge content writing industry waiting for you and all you need to be successful (check out the last word in my heading, it contains the word successfully) is to write content rich articles that might be of use to others. Do not expect to get orders overnight. Remember, Rome was not built in a day.

Initially, you should dream up articles and post them on sites like the one where you are reading this. These are the basic stones for writing money-earning articles. Most of the people who want to outsource their article writing jobs check sites like this one and if your article has managed to catch their attention, you can be rest assured that they will get in touch with you.

There are some pitfalls too which one should avoid. Do not use `article spinning' software. All they do is search for words at random and replace them with their synonyms. The end result can be horrendous and senseless. Use a proper email identity that has your name in it. I would rather contact than Try to be honest with yourself and do not plagiarize the net for articles. You will be caught and in all probabilities, blacklisted too. Do use the net for your research, but the content should be yours. You might have no ideas about autism (one of the hottest blog topics nowadays) but just study the net about it and before long you will feel comfortable with the same. Bingo... you can now write articles about it too, for you have managed to understand what that term, autism, is referring to.

When you will start receiving orders for writing articles, you will be presented with a primary keyphrase and some secondary keyphrases. In my next article I shall be touching upon these subjects. If you have been interested in this article, and if the same has appealed to you, there is no doubt that you will be on the lookout for my next article. This is one more way of making people interested. Write something that they will cherish and follow it up with more.

Getting Up Earlier

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