Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spiritual Healing - Creating a Healing Ritual Using Cedarwood Essential Oil

There is a very interesting Biblical account in the book of Leviticus where the priest ritually placed cedarwood oil on the right ear lobe, right thumb and right first toe of the one to be cleansed of their leprosy. This healing ritual according to Leviticus was meant to restore the person who had any sort of skin disease back to the community. When you study the reflex points on the body you find that pressing the ear lobe is a point to release guilt whereas the right thumb and great toe are reflex points for the pituitary and pineal glands in the brain. The pituitary gland is the Master Gland of the body sending out chemical messengers to every cell in the body. The pineal gland produces melatonin which is a hormone helpful for sleep and periods of darkness. Studies are being conducted on this hormone for its role in reproduction, sleep, and aging.

The pineal gland is also linked to your creativity. When the pineal is not open, negative emotions get attracted to your aura. Oils that contain sesquiterpenes (a terpene component of many essential oils considered to be the wisdom molecule) are especially effective in oxygenating the brain especially the pineal and pituitary glands. In Biblical times, they would have used Cedarwood essential oil to restore the leprous person to the community. Cedarwood is naturally high in sesquiterpenes, in fact, it is 98% sesquiterpenes. What is so interesting is that cedarwood was quite plentiful in ancient times, that is, until Solomon cut down the cedars of Lebanon to build his temple and palace.

One Ritual You Can Use to Restore Balance in Your Life Using Cedarwood Essential Oil

  • Come into a centered place by breathing slowly and deeply. Allow the divine breath to release any tension in your shoulders, neck, back, and legs.
  • Now place a few drops of cedarwood oil in your left palm as you continue your slow rhythmic breathing.
  • Dip your right thumb and index finger into the oil in your left palm and rub your right ear lobe between your thumb and index finger, clearing your heart and letting go any guilt you may be carrying. Pray softly:
  • Heavenly Creator release all that holds me in bondage. I let go any guilt that I may be carrying for things that I have committed or things I have failed to do that I should have done.
  • Next, rub your right thumb and index finger together as you connect with the pineal gland in the brain. Visualize this gland as a small area deep in the center of your brain. Now breathe deeply the fragrance of cedarwood and allow the healing properties of this grounding oil to penetrate to the pineal and pituitary glands. Allow yourself to open to your own creativity. Pray softly:
  • Heavenly Creator, restore me to wholeness and connect me to my creative self.
  • Again dip your right thumb and fore finger into the oil in your left palm and rub some of the oil on your right great toe. Continue to connect with the pineal gland in the brain. Breathe deeply the fragrance of cedarwood letting go of any negative emotions within your energy field. Pray softly:
  • Heavenly Creator fill me with your light and love, restore me to wholeness within and return me to my community fully healed.

Want to know more about healing with essential oils? The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches classes throughout the United States on both aromatherapy and energy (spiritual) healing.

I'd like to invite you to explore our educational offerings. When you go to my site I will have a BONUS GIFT for you--a sample of our work.

You will receive free instant access to a Special Report on Five Biblical Oils when you subscribe to my free short ezine newsletter on energy healing and aromatherapy. You can get your free access immediately by clicking on

From Linda L. Smith, Director of the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy, a national program in Christian healing.

You Have Got To Read This Book

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