Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to Cope with Writing Rejections

Have your writing been rejected today? If the answer is yes, then of course you are deeply frustrated and feel discouraged. Rejecting in general is perhaps the toughest thing in the world to get along with. I do not know any good way to console you expect the fact that I am just like you in this matter. May be, I have suffered more rejections than you or may be not but I have suffered quite a bit. However, that does not mean that you and I are not skilled writers or we should give up writing altogether. Instead of being sad lest us try to get over it and be successful.

Failure is the pillar of success

When we were in school, we used to memorize this sentence. That time, I did not understand its real significance as like many children my dreams were very limited and most of the time I used to get the things before wanting. However, as I grow up more and more, I could touch that the world is a very tough and competitive place. Each day means competing with others for everything- from buying fresh vegetables at a reasonable place to finding a good spouse or job. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. However, in my own life I have seen that I can get very few things in the first attempt. On many things, first I need some practice and knowledge and then try again. If this is the case in many things in life why not in writing too!

Try, try Again

There is an obvious difference between writing and other professions. Those of us who want to be a writer actually dream for it. Hardly any of us with dream of becoming the next Bill Gates join writing. If you want to be the next Bill Gates and your writing has been rejected then accept it as a blessing and leave writing and join business. But for those of us writing is a dream, we should stick to our effort and simply continue trying on. Constant trying has one good advantage- it gives us another more opportunities to be successful.

It has happened to them too

When we get a rejection letter or email then we feel jealous for the successful and established writers. Media and publishers are crazy for getting writings from them and the same media and publishing companies are just only sending rejection letters. However, a little search in Internet will reveal to you that many of them have suffered rejections more than you and I. It is so good if you try to read about the rejections that famous writers faced in their own life.

A natural part of life

Rejection is really a sad but natural part of life. Try to think of how you deal with rejections in other areas of your life and then apply some of the principles when your writing gets rejected.

Keep a record of the rejections

Keep a record of the all the rejection emails and letters so that after you overcome your frustrations, you can analyze them and try to figure out what went wrong. If you can realize what went wrong then you can surely be better prepared next time.

Why rejections?

Please remember that every time your writing gets rejected does not mean that you are not a good writer or your writing is not up to the mark. There are a number of other factors too. For example, a magazine will publish only one article written by freelance writers and against it 70-80 submissions have come to them. On this kind of conditions, a magazine or a website tries to accept the submission of the writer who has good track record in the desired field instead of a new writer or a writer from another track. Sometimes, our writings get rejected because we did not follow the editorial guidelines very well. That is why it is important to try to realize the main reason behind suffering a particular rejection.
When we suffer writing rejections we have two choices. We can either get frustrated or we can try to realize the reason behind writing rejections and then try to improve our writings next time. The choice is really only yours.

I am a Reseacrher and Freelance journalist here in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Right now, I am writing my M Phil thesis on Role of English Language in Information Technology Sector of Bangladesh. I am a Member of Editorial Board of the leading ICT Magazine of Bangladesh, Computer Bichitra . Besides this I have some past expereince of Teaching English Language in the UNiversity level and also being a Research Assistant for MBA department in a University. I have been writing in newspapers and magazines for the last 10 years and I have published more than 400 artilces, featuures, reports, interviews, and tranlsations on various topics. My website: My blogs:

Finding Cheap Article Writing Easy

It may seem impossible to find cheap article writing that is still full of well written, high quality content. In some cases, that is true. The good news is that if you are willing to invest a little time and effort, you can easily find affordable writers. You have to remember from the onset that you do not have to give up quality in favor of cheap articles.

One thing you need to remember is that the quality of the article should always be more important than the quantity of the price. You also need to remember that these two things are not mutually exclusive. You cannot choose a new writer simply because their prices are cheap. This can lead to you wasting a lot of time just trying to correct their mistakes.

More often than not, you will find that freelance writers will bend over backwards to provide you with the highest quality content at the best prices. Of course, not all writers are like that. Some of them will quote you cheap prices just because they want the job. However, they will not necessarily be the best person for the job.

It is a sad fact that some writers pretend to write better than they actually do. This makes it very difficult for other freelance writers to do their job. It can also take up a lot of your time. That is why you need to take all the time necessary to be sure that you are choosing a skilled writer.

Fortunately, there are several ways to make sure that the writer you are hiring is a good writer. The best way to do this is to ask a new writer to give you a few examples of their writing. A lot of people even give sample topics or sample paragraphs. The new writer then has to rewrite the sample.

Above all, you need to remember that there are a lot of writers out there who are more than willing to provide you with high quality content at affordable prices. It is not at all necessary to choose a bad writer simply because he or she has cheap prices.

True, sometimes you need to invest a little time in finding a good writer. However, when you see that you can get a perfect finished product for a fair price, you will see that it was well worth the effort. Just think of all the time you will save on rewriting things yourself!

Winson Yeung has been involved with internet marketing since 2007. His discovery of internet marketing has made him a passionate proponent of this method of income generation and he chronicles his adventures in his Internet Marketer's blog

You might also be interested in his Cheap and Contented Article Writing Service that have the lowest rate of $0.0096/word to kick start your Internet Business. Services include Article Writing, UAW Article Writing, Press Release Writing, Article Marketer Writing + Submission and many more..

Should Writers Write Ezine Articles Or Blogs?

BLOGS - Why should you want to write a blog when articles are better? I find myself as a writer wanting to say, write blogs. Blogs are personal. You get to give your personal views on life, on your life as a person and as a writer. You get to be chatty. You get to show off your writing skills, tell stories about yourself and your friends. You get to include pictures of friends and describe trips you have taken.

EZINE ARTICLES - Do you want free outreach on the web? However, as a writer, write EzineArticles instead! Why? Not that they are boring. It's actually more true that blogs are boring. The best blogs have a name tag to them but the fact is that the most popular blogs are written by professional writers hired to research the web and write in that particular blog style.

BLOGS - What is wrong with blogs? Popular blogs are not written and kept up to date by you, a lone writer. It's a team effort, a major publishing effort. Can you as a writer really afford to do this, even if you are good enough? Prove it, of course.

Why waste energy and time writing your blog when no one but no one is coming to your site? How many writer blogs have I browsed recently, all trying to give good information on how to write, and at the same time also push their own books, published and unpublished? I don't see that there is much success in what these blogs do for their writers.

How do I know this? I'm tired frankly about reading any more entries about taking the cat to the vet, describing what the hubby thinks about something, reading one more interview with another writer. It's all hogwash. It's all boring. Why? Because it is repeat stuff, thousands of times over, only with the names changed. There is no new information here in most, if not all, writer blogs.

So as a writer, my experience says: DON'T WRITE BLOGS. WRITE EZINE ARTICLES. Here is the difference. We shall assume you are a good writer in the use of language, and you can research well and create information reports that are interesting and full of information. You write books as well. Even if you write novels they must be researched and full of information to sell, right? An Ezine article is a short article on a piece of a specific subject, like this article is making the case for writing Ezine articles and not blogs. I have done both, but I have had to choose one over the other. Here is a list of why I choose to write Ezine articles now.

EZINE ARTICLES - What is so great about Ezine articles?

  • Ezine articles give me focus for my research, ideas and insights, experience, and writing skills.
  • Ezine articles bring visitors to my home sites because Ezine articles are widely distributed.
  • Ezine articles have directories, collections of articles, that people go to to read on specific subjects.
  • Blogs have directories, but how can you classify what is written about in blogs?
Many blogs are just about whatever the blog writer wants to put in. There are some well-attended blogs that have reviews in a narrow subject area, like Technorati. Are these blogs, even if they say they are, or are they directories in a subject area? Whatever you call where your short writing ends up, in a blog, in a directory, in an Ezine article, at least know what you are doing and what you intend as the effect.

Build a system, a chain of cause and effect so that your end results that you want come through for you.
EZINE ARTICLES - What do the marketers say are the benefits? Ezine people who are also marketing people say that the purpose of writing a lot of free, short Ezine articles is to get your name and thought easily and freely distributed on the web. At the bottom of every Ezine article you put also your web sites or how to contact you.

Thus with Ezine articles you are getting your thought distributed in a large network of information outreach, and then out of your article readers you expect some of them to click on your link and come to your home site for more information on the subject you write about.

Thus, if you are a writer who has written a book, published in paper or not, non-fiction or fiction, you want people to buy that book from you, don't you?

THE WEB - What do you need to do as a writer to become effective on the web? The best way on the Web is to create a home site about your book and its subject matter, fiction or non-fiction.

Next, you want people to come to your site in large numbers, because maybe one or two percent of your visitors will buy your book from you as a download electronic e-book, or also as a print-on-demand paper book. But before you can sell strangers your book you have to get them to your selling pages where you describe your book and its benefits.

SEARCH ENGINES SEO - What's wrong with search engines? To get people to your site you can rely on the search engines. But this is way overplayed. Research shows that people only look at the top ten entries usually and click on those sites in a search.

How then are you going to get your carefully constructed web site into the search engines? There is a body of knowledge called SEO to show you how to do this.

However, these people will be trying to make money off of you as they advise you. They have a monetary interest in you, so you cannot trust them or their information. They are out there selling you a job in how to be successful and get rich, while they themselves try to get rich off of you. So, be careful of the search engine people, telling you how to manipulate Google to get a flow of visitors to your sites who will buy your books and information reports in large numbers.

Yes, learn to make or have made for you, web pages that are focused on a single subject so that the search engines are more likely to put you eventually in their top ten for your subject niche. Get search engine flow to your site, if you can.

Some marketing gurus say the competition out there is so fierce that you can only keep up with the latest strategies if you work full time at marketing. So is it worth it becoming also a marketing expert, or trying to copy someone else who is. And how would you ever know truth from falsity when dealing with high hype sales people.

Now look again at writing lots of short but informative free articles and having these distributed by Ezine article directories.


  • they do bring people back to your site who are specifically interested in your information. These are people who may be more willing to buy your book. The trick is to not give readers enough free information so they don't buy your book, or give them too little free information so they don't see that you really are an expert in your niche field.
  • you write a lot of Ezine articles in your field to give the impression to strangers that you are an expert. As a novelist you know how to evoke suspense if you are a thriller novelist. Or, if you write non-fiction books on Love, Sex and Intimacy, you give your readers condensed free versions of your chapters but also write in such a way that you leave your Ezine article readers panting for more. After all, relationships are terribly important, right? But why should they listen to you? You must be better than the competition. Thus, if you have such a book, as I have, you write a lot of free Ezine articles, as I am doing, that give really good information but not all of it.

- How do you motivate people to buy your book?

-So, you use Ezine articles to get visitors to your home web site when you must then try to sell them the whole book at a price they and you can afford. You are writing up each chapter as a short, easy-to-understand Ezine article, and in those articles you have the links back to your main site.

Now, you have to write your web pages in a way that people will be motivated to pay their money to buy your book. How do you do this? At least one caution here.

SEO people have influenced me to put on the web an expert site. On this site: Creative Writing and, I put a lot of good information on creativity, writing, and on my product: The Writer's Interface. It was an expert site but we ceased development of it.

Why? It takes tons of time to develop an expert site. The purpose of developing an expert site with lots of free information, as well as information to buy in books, e-courses, and reports is to become dominant in your niche, which is then supposed to translate into being near the top in the search engine results page for your subject area. Such a thing could happen over time. Yet on the down side is that people will browse your rich, expert site and never buy a report or book or course from you.

THE SELLING SITE - Why do certain web sites sell well, while other web sites do not sell well your books and information? Now we have switched to a narrow focus selling site called The Writer's We have a single subject on this site with a wonderful product, the best in its field, to sell.

This is The Writer's Interface, of course, with over 2000 writing craft tools and structures to aid you the writer in actually writing a professional novel. This is our essence, our service to writers, to give them the writing craft knowledge to really write their novel. But how do you convince strangers like yourself that you have something that will benefit them best of anything out there?

  1. first, you find writers currently with a problem that is how to write a damn good novel and improve their writing style.
  2. you find currently interested people who are searching through, first, Ezine article outreach, and second, in the search engines eventually, if they like your site for its information and focus.
  3. once you have a good information and selling site up you can also buy little ads, like Google Adsense, which are supposed to get new people to your home site, but this way can demonstrate success or failure, and so is not used by us yet until we have some success in what we are currently doing, and have the time and money to study if click-through ads on other sites really works.
THE WRITER'S INTERFACE - What is good about it? -For now in the rest of 2007 our efforts go into getting new people to our The Writer's Interface selling site by writing at least one free Ezine article a week on some aspect of what The Writer's Interface does best in showing writers how to write better books, especially novels, and including screen plays as well, which are really visual novels.

SUMMARY - What is your Action Plan? We suggest based on limited experience that writing many free Ezine articles on the subject area of your book or novel is they way to get visitors to a well-constructed home site for your book. It must be a focused, selling style site which combines information and choices to buy or not buy to gain the benefits that happen for readers when they buy and experience your book.

Don't waste time and money on elaborate SEO expert sites, certainly not on personal writer blogs, nor on using Google ads.

Instead, start with writing free Ezine articles because these enjoy wide and free distribution on the World Wide Web in 2007. We don't guarantee anything said here, though it does come from our personal experience. We give what we think because we are doing it ourselves.

COMMENT - What is your experience? What is your purpose? If you are a writer entering the web, or already on it, to market your books and expert information, what then is your strategy? If you have a writer and web strategy, what is it? If you don't, what do you commit to now to develop a Web strategy for marketing your work? What do you need to do also to become a super effective writer who sells lots of books?

Strephon Kaplan-Williams is a fairly well-known writer whose books so far have sold over 350,000 copies. He has had one best seller: The Dream Cards at 110,000 copies in eight languages around the world. His current efforts going into writing a big novel and in also developing writing craft tools. His current book is a down-load product, The Writer's Interface which either is an interactive file with the wonderful WriteItNow software or is also a stand-alone PDF file for download. You can explore further information and get a free demo by going to the home site, where you can also buy The Writer's Interface and short reports on keys to writing the novel.

The Writer's Interface

Creative Writing And Writers

Web Store - The Writer's Interface

Monday, April 27, 2009

Finding Tranquility With Spiritual Meditation

Everything will seem right with the world when your mind, body and spirit are in harmony. However, its difficult to find inner peace through spiritual meditation if we do not have enough time for it. That is why we should reach back to the wisdom of traditional cultures and indigenous peoples. This way we can find beauty, cure our ills and ease our minds from restless anxiety in an era filled with the promises of high technology and modern medicine.

The philosophy of ancient times focuses on a holistic and interconnectedness approach. This ancient approach involves the practice of spiritual meditation and promoting long-term good health, rather than merely trying to correct health problems as they arise. This approach is not aimed at a single problem but is aimed at treating the whole person. This method has been an evolving idea that is gaining popularity now in the West. The vital concept of balancing a healthy mind and spirit with a healthy body is now gaining acceptance in the medical establishment.

Those who practice ancient forms of spiritual meditation emphasize the importance of awareness of the breath. The repetition of a word or phrase and the visualization of an object or a deity are also ancient forms of meditation. Many people find these different approaches of spiritual meditation more or less appropriate to their own needs. However, they may need to try several forms before they can adopt the form with which they feel most comfortable with.

However, many people also have fears or misconceptions about spiritual meditation. They are afraid that they may not have control of the situation and some also feel that meditation is some kind of odd religious practice. Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible to practice meditation outside of any religious context, although meditation forms a central part of some of the world religions,

A person can achieve balance if he or she obtains the ability to discover and draw from inner resources of health, strength and tranquility. It is important for people to tap into more sustainable practices of lasting energy, such as spiritual meditation in a modern culture dominated by unrealistic ideals of physical beauty and twenty-four hour positivism. Discovering clarity of mind, sense of purpose, physical well-being, and spiritual fulfillment within ourselves that truly defines peace has become increasingly difficult, and more important than ever in out present day and age.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Spiritual Meditation. Visit our site for more helpful information about Meditation Philosophy Practical School and other similar topics.

Use Religion Responsibly

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Necessary Ingredients That Must Be Part of Your Novel

The words "publish" and "novel" have so much meaning to so many people. To write a novel is a lifelong dream for millions. To publish a book with one's name on runs chills down the spine just thinking about it.

But this phrase - publish novel - also has a great deal of mystery, fallacy, controversy and even danger attached to it. Bluntly put, if you don't know enough about publishing a novel, your book dream could be washed away, like a torrent of rain over watercolors.

I always say, and live by: "Become empowered by knowledge and you will enable yourself to succeed."

Here is Part 1 of the "Publish Novel" series.

Let's look at what goes into creating a great that others will read in its entirety and also rave about it to others (viral marketing) for years to come:

1 - Great Writing

There is no getting around this one. You have to take an honest look at yourself, without personal bias, and decide whether you are an exceptional writer who can carry through with the immense endeavor of writing a book. This may require that you delve into your book idea and actually make an attempt at writing it.

Take note as to how it goes. Do you find yourself at the end of your "novel" after ten or twenty pages? Do you feel confused? Is it enjoyable or painstaking? Ask yourself these and other relevant questions with the understanding that your project can take two years or longer to write. In other words, would it be confusion or clarity? Effort or ease? Torture or delight?

If delightful, decide whether your novel writing experience is more important than the quality level of your book. Realize that novel writing can be a most therapeutic undertaking for the right kind of person or a living nightmare for others. If you get great pleasure from it then figure whether you can actually produce your novel at a publishable level of quality all on your own.

One great solution for the novel writing enthusiast is to higher a bona fide book writer to collaborate with. The old saying, "Two heads are better than one," is never more applicable than with collaborative book writing. I can't tell you how invaluable it is to be able to bounce ideas back and forth with someone who understands the makings of a great novel.

If you learn that novel writing is not your cup of tea, but you have a vivid imagination or good ideas, don't be discouraged. Less than one percent of the population is actually capable of writing a great novel on their own. The fact is, you are still in a great position - with your imagination intact - to have your novel in hand before you know it!

You can hire a professional book writer to write your book for you. What ever the terms of the contract between you (the author) and he or she (the writer) are, you will essential either have a ghostwriter for hire or book writer in a collaborative effort (known as a collaborator or collaborative writer). That's an entirely different subject that needs address at another place and time.

If you feel confident that you can get the job done, then by all means, git 'er done! But you have to realize that writing your novel is only one in many vital steps. Leave just one of these ingredients out, or poorly unaddressed, and your dream will fail.

I will continue with this "Publish Novel" series over the coming weeks and prepare you intellectually with everything you need to know for creating a great publishable novel.

Robert S. Nahas is a professional book writer and president of He has written numerous published books of his own and for others, and helps aspiring writers and authors achieve their dreams of getting their books written, published and selling well. You can get more information on how to find good book writers for hire, how to get published, find a good agent, find funding... and more at You can find more information on R. S. Nahas at

Copyright 2008 by Robert S. Nahas - All rights reserved.

How to Accept Rejection Letters

We've all suffered rejection and disappointment. Perhaps that job you coveted or someone you loved who might have even led you on before dropping you. It hurts. But you move on. And it does get better. It does, trust me.

Being a published writer involves accepting rejection. Think of rejection as an integral part of a road to success. If you have never been rejected then you haven't really tried, have you? There are several ways that you can gain a good perspective on your rejection letters and even make them work to your advantage.

Adopt a Healthy Perspective

One way is to adopt a realistic, objective and healthy viewpoint on your story's rejection:

View selling manuscripts as a "cold call" business: When you view it this way, you will treat it that way. Until you establish a relationship with your market, selling becomes a numbers game. The more you send, the more likely you are to get a hit. It's all in the statistics.

View rejections as an opportunity. Rejections can provide you with the opportunity to learn and re-evaluate, usually of appropriate market and publisher subjectivity rather than writing quality.

View rejections as the beginning of a relationship. Not all rejections are final; in fact most aren't. Most rejections by a publisher or magazine editor stem from story redundancy, lack of space or editorial requirements. Many rejection letters will reflect this (e.g., "Thanks, but this isn't a match for try us again." They mean it. It means they liked your writing but the story wasn't right-they may have run something too similar to it already or it didn't fit with the other pieces or theme or whatever.)

View rejections as part of your success journey. Rejection is a given in the writing business, where a story may be considered "before its time", untried, or a risk and therefore harder to place. This is often why a book that was rejected so many times becomes a great hit once it is published. The very quality that made it hard for a publisher to accept made it a success with the readership-its refreshing yet topical originality.

View rejections as your first step to success. Take heart in the fact that you reached this stage in your writing career. Getting that first rejection in the mail is a great affirmation that you have taken that first significant step to becoming a serious writer.

Acceptance begins with rejection.

Make Rejection Work for You

You can maintain a more objective view on your rejections by keeping an objective view on your submissions. This can be accomplished by submitting a lot and submitting often. Treat your submissions-and rejections-like a business. The best way to do this is to submit lots of stories and to keep submitting them. The critical part of this process is to always have a contingency ready for each story submitted. Once a story is returned you have a place to send it already.

Karen Mason publishes The Passionate Writer for people seeking guidance on getting their own books published. Our coaching and training programs are designed specifically for writers who are serious about becoming "published authors"

Get more tips to help you promote your career as an author and re-discover the "magic" of writing!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is Writer's Block?

An inability to write, or writer's block, is "writer's block - an inability to write; 'he had writer's block; the words wouldn't come.'"1 Put otherwise, "writer's block - A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing."2

In contrast, "Flow" is a general state described in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. He defines flow as "the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable ... that people will do it ... for the sheer sake of doing it." There is tremendous power for any creative, especially writers, in learning how to manage their writing process and access word flow.

There are certain prerequisites for creative expression, including writing, that have nothing to do with creative blocks. It is essential that you have a place prepared to express yourself. It is ideal if this space is dedicated to your creativity, so that the tools you need, and projects in progress, can occupy the space. It has never worked for me, or any other creative I have known, to attempt to write or paint regularly without a dedicated creative space.

Another creative prerequisite is the proper tools for creativity. As a writer, or screenwriter, you require some combination of pens/pencils, paper, typewriter, computer, software and other implements. Also, you may require books and magazines for inspiration as well as technical guidance. Not knowing how to stretch a canvas or properly format a screenplay are not creative blocks. They are ignorance of essential creative technical skills.

Every artist must gain training, whether self-taught, through coursework, workshops, lectures, classes, books and media, or otherwise. A final prerequisite for creative work is time. You must schedule creative expression, including time for inspiration development, the way you would any essential activity.

So, if you have a place to create, you have the tools and training required to do so, and you have the time, and you still are not creating... then you likely have a creative block.

Procrastination is the single dominant behavior of the blocked artist.

Whatever the block, procrastination is the expression. Procrastination may take the form of obsessive e-mail checking, cleaning, endless research, wasted hours in Social Networking, and many other endeavors. Some creatives overeat, drink or party excessively, take class after class, or occupy themselves with other busy work, all to successfully avoid creating.

Recognizing the problem is a huge part of the issue. If you have what you need to create, and aren't creating, there are a number of tools available to assist you in breaking through writer's block or any other creative block.

If your writer's block is serious, and you are committed to doing WEIT ("What ever it takes," ~Tony Robbins) to break through, you can get professional coaching through a trained, certified professional. You can also find a number of fantastic products, audio, book and otherwise, online.

To your Word Flow!



2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by the Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

H. Raven Rose is based in Los Angeles, CA. She loves words, color, art, listening to music and eating imported gourmet dark chocolate (although not necessarily all at the same time). Her combined loves, training and education are in Writing, Art, Self-Development, Transpersonal Psychology, and Spirituality. She is primarily a Screenwriter, Writer, Coach and Speaker and teaches workshops and develops books and products for writers through her company Word Flow. As a certified Covey Coach, a CTI Coach, and certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts facilitator, she coaches writers in breaking through their blocks so they can access Word Flow. "Get your Flow On!" Definitely check out today.

Writer Proofreader Tool - Proofread Your Writing Now

Can an advanced Writer Proofreader Tool change the way we write English? Writing proper English is now more important than ever since many of us increasingly communicate with others thanks to computers and the Internet. Let's take a look and see how recent technological improvements can help us on improving our writing skills.

Quick introduction

While conventional word processors mainly focus on identifying spelling errors, an advanced Writer Proofreader Tool enables you to further improve your writing by checking entire text blocks for any grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Correcting your grammar writing isn't that easy, it requires advanced NLP technology (Natural Language Processing), huge databases, and smart analyzing engines. This advanced technology offers the following: analyzing our grammar writing construction, suggesting proper corrections as well as checking for correct spelling and punctuation.

What is in it for us?

There is no doubt that most of us can find it useful:

* Avoiding common writing mistakes we tend to repeat in our daily writing assignments.
* Analyzing our sentences structure for correct punctuation, thus transforming our writing more comprehendible.
* Transforming our natural writing clear and professional.

Looking closer on this technology, we could easily find other advantages that are not covered here, as this powerful tool keeps improving, bringing us fresh solutions that help us on improving our Writing abilities.

Quick summary

Both professional and non-professional writers may find this sophisticated Writer Proofreader Tool practical and useful for any writing assignment. Language processing technology is complex - that explains why there are very few solutions available today. Although it brings many challenges to software developers, we can expect this webmarketing tool to further develop itself, for one simple reason: writing is one of the most important tools that help us expressing ourselves.

Watch how an advanced Writer Proofreader Tool analyzes text and learn more about innovative technologies that can help you transform your English writing correct, professional and creative


Be a Freelance Writer

Are you a housewife or a college student or a retired professional with a flair for writing? Why not use your creative skill and be a freelance writer? The World Wide Web is filled with opportunities for freelance writers to write articles and other content for websites. There is want of words and dearth of talent!

And being a freelance writer isn't only a vent of your ideas, it is also highly rewarding. You can earn while you spell your creativity out. Freelance writers can earn anywhere in the range of $1,000 to $10,000 depending on their skills and time devoted. Websites, companies and other businesses are always on the look out for writers who can put their creativity to words and write content for their websites.

The pen is mightier than the sword, they say. And how true it is when it comes to promoting your website on the internet. It is the word that you pen down that matter for internet promotion. Getting higher ranks on search engines can depend on the way important words are used in a site. These important words also known as keywords are the ones that determine how high a site features on search engines. The number of times these keywords are used is a highly important thing.

So it is the words that matter and being a good freelance writer can be a very sought after job. You can be very much in demand if you crack the way these keywords are used and can become a highly paid freelance writer.

Wasanis Global is a content provider that provides creative writing solutions to high end businesses. The team at Wasanis comprises of writers, copywriters, proofreaders and translators who work in association with SEO consultants to provide content to websites of all genres.

I Sure Hope There Will Be a "Harry Potter Expanded Universe"

Have you ever thought about Harry Potter and Star Wars in the same manner?You should, because I have come to the conclusion that they are one in the same.When broken down, it's easy to compare them to one another.So I have written this article to do just that.

Harry Potter consists of basically the same elements of brilliance as Star Wars.These two sagas tell the story about a boy that is searching to be something more than what he is.He can feel the truth and the answers in the air, waiting to find him.He discovers there is much more than could ever be imagined when the truth is revealed.Both characters are being threatened by the dark side of magic/the force.Each has an equally nightmarish evil figure, Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort.Each of these stories is teaching the same underlying meaning: many things in life are difficult, and to do the right thing is not always easy.There are many shortcuts that lead to "The Dark Side," for lack of a better term, and you must stay the course to be complete as a "good" person.

The stories are intriguing and intricate enough to appeal to both children and adults alike.Other worlds, civilizations, and time lines were created in the manifestation of these stories.

When George Lucas was ready to let the rights go to other authors, he kept a chronological order of things past present and future.Other authors would then need to have their ideas and stories approved through him, to ensure the time line was being kept in sync.The Star Wars Expanded Universe, as it's referred too, is a limitless play land for authors and movie makers. For example, A.C. Crispin wrote a Han Solo Trilogy, where in you read about Han's short Imperial soldier/pilot career, how he met Chewie and Lando, and how he received the scar under his chin just to name a few.

The Harry Potter stories also bring that same unlimited potential to the table.Obviously, it is nowhere near as old as Star Wars, and J.K. Rowling has just finished telling the tale.So I doubt she will part with the rights until the movies are over.The personalities that are written into Harry Potter are so diverse, you like and are intrigued by them.The writing is so pristine, when you read the books, you feel as though you know the people in the story.With that being said, of course, I think people would want to write and read, "The Voldemort Chronicles," telling detailed stories in pieces of Tom Riddle's decent into darkness.J.K. Rowling does touch on history and past events in the books, but this could be taken so much farther if given the chance.Dumbledore, Snape, The Black Family, any of it would work for a writer and people would read it.

Maybe it's a simple comparison that everyone sees, maybe it's not.All I can say is, I hope that Mr.Lucas does three more movies, or hands it off to another director.I feel the same way about Harry Potter, I would Love to see a series' of stories about other characters history and adventures.What do you think?Would you read a book, or watch a movie, about your favorite Harry Potter character?They are dissecting X-Men, which they should.Why can't we use the Harry Potter world to do the same?

I am a freelance writer looking to establish a name for myself in this bright big new world. Specializing in creative/article writing, rewriting, web research, web content, and short stories.

Cause and Effect

Newton has described for the physical universe a very simple concept which has opened the door to much understanding. That is the law of cause and effect, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The same holds true for the spiritual universe, that for every thought word or deed we create, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Christians say "as ye sow, so shall ye reap". In the east it is known as the law of karma.

If you drop a pebble into the center of a big bowl of water, you will see that ripples go out from the source. What you may not have noticed is that when the ripples reach the end of the container they go back towards the center. You get what you give. What goes around comes around. If you plant a daisy seed you will get a daisy. If you plant an oak you will get an oak. You will never get an oak from a daisy seed and you will never get a daisy from an oak seed. It is really no mystery. Is it? We each understand this, and we each know exactly what will be the results of our efforts or lack thereof.

When I begin to understand this law of cause and effect, I realize that there can not be an effect without there first having been a cause. If I am seeing the effect of sorrow in my life, for example, I now begin to recognize that I have been the cause of that sorrow. I am the pebble to which those ripples are returning. Previously we had laid blame every where else but with me. We said "I'm sad because he said this" or "I'm upset because my bank account has plummetted", or "I'm angry because I got fired" or my dog died" or "I have cancer" or whatever have you. When I assign blame in this way, I effectively give all my power away. When I attach my happiness or well being to things that fluctuate I will continue to ride the roller coaster of happy and sad, peaceful and angry. Round and round, up and down, how many times do you really want to go around on this ride? Aren't you getting sick by now?

If I can only be happy if he's nice to me, I may have a long wait. If I can only be happy if my dog comes back to life, good luck! There will continue to be obstacles in life till the end. This is guaranteed. I can not change this. What In can change is the way I see them. I must learn to see them from up above. To see the whole picture is only possible from up above. If I remain immersed below I will suffer needlessly. When you are high up in an airplane, in every house below there are battles being fought. Men are beating there wives, children are hungry, people are suffering loss and dealing with a multitude of troubles, but I remain seated comfortably in the plane. I fly above and past them with ease. Even if a raging forest fire is below me, I fly over it without so much as feeling the heat. If huge thunder clouds are up ahead, what does the pilot do? He flies even higher. He rises above them. The scenes are quite different from up above are they not? Understanding the law of cause and effect I now begin to take my power back.

Sometimes when people first begin to understand this law they think, hopelessly, "Well, great, everything that's happening in my life is because of something I've done in the past, so there's nothing I can do about it." It is true that a great deal of patience, tolerance and inner fortitude is required now that was previously missing, however if my past thoughts have created my present state, then equally my present thoughts will create my future. Change your thoughts; change your world.

Bhavna has studied metaphysics for more than 35 years and has been a Raja Yogi for more than 13 years. On the teaching staff of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), she is the director of its Delray Beach branch, The Transformation Station, in Florida. She travels to the BKWSU headquarters in Mount Abu, India on a yearly basis for advanced training. She also travels to London, Oxford and New York for further training as well. She goes into the local community to speak at varying venues including libraries, bookstores, and in the prison system. Her practical and down to earth approach to deep matters coupled with her sense of humor help to make her a most enjoyable and enlightening speaker, teacher and author.

Missing Years Of Jesus

Cycle of Health - Mind, Body and Spirit

In the Western Medicine paradigm of technology and science the primary emphasis is on the physical body and how to treat disease. Thus, Western society has become a society of sickness and disease rather than wellness. Physical health is one-third the equation for wholeness and healthiness. Western Medicine over looks the other two - emotional and spiritual.

The cycle of wholeness and health seeks to attune the person's mind, body and spirit to the needs and messages of the body, as well as, to the natural means the body uses to maintain health. Similar to the balancing cycles in nature, such as the sun and rain nourishing crops, Ayurveda tradition observes the natural cycles of detoxification and rejuvenation that are ever present in the human physiology.

To maintain health, the body needs to rid itself of damaging and unwanted elements - [detoxification] and supply necessary nutrients [rejuvenation] in a balanced fashion. Through combining botanicals in a manner that promotes mild detoxification and cellular rejuvenation this promotes the natural cycle of body health. The result is the enjoyment of new levels of health and well-being in body, mind, and spirit.

By examining how an herb or fruit affects the physiology, Ayurveda establishes how different botanicals can affect the mind, [emotions], the subtle energies of the body, and ultimately the spirit. Ayurveda teaches that each area of health is interdependent.

To maintain health the mind [emotions] and spirit need to be nurtured and supported. The four most important rituals to create emotional and spiritual health is: Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in nature, including near fire and water.

Remember to be consciously aware of the role Spirit plays in your life. Spiritual health is created through being intimately connected to your spouse, partner, family, friends, and community, resulting in social health. Spiritual and social health, are interconnected. It is through your committed relationships that you will create the greatest opportunities for spiritual growth and for learning how to receive and impart unconditional love. Only love is real - all else is self-defeating.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Wayne Dyer

Spiritual Healing - Creating a Healing Ritual Using Cedarwood Essential Oil

There is a very interesting Biblical account in the book of Leviticus where the priest ritually placed cedarwood oil on the right ear lobe, right thumb and right first toe of the one to be cleansed of their leprosy. This healing ritual according to Leviticus was meant to restore the person who had any sort of skin disease back to the community. When you study the reflex points on the body you find that pressing the ear lobe is a point to release guilt whereas the right thumb and great toe are reflex points for the pituitary and pineal glands in the brain. The pituitary gland is the Master Gland of the body sending out chemical messengers to every cell in the body. The pineal gland produces melatonin which is a hormone helpful for sleep and periods of darkness. Studies are being conducted on this hormone for its role in reproduction, sleep, and aging.

The pineal gland is also linked to your creativity. When the pineal is not open, negative emotions get attracted to your aura. Oils that contain sesquiterpenes (a terpene component of many essential oils considered to be the wisdom molecule) are especially effective in oxygenating the brain especially the pineal and pituitary glands. In Biblical times, they would have used Cedarwood essential oil to restore the leprous person to the community. Cedarwood is naturally high in sesquiterpenes, in fact, it is 98% sesquiterpenes. What is so interesting is that cedarwood was quite plentiful in ancient times, that is, until Solomon cut down the cedars of Lebanon to build his temple and palace.

One Ritual You Can Use to Restore Balance in Your Life Using Cedarwood Essential Oil

  • Come into a centered place by breathing slowly and deeply. Allow the divine breath to release any tension in your shoulders, neck, back, and legs.
  • Now place a few drops of cedarwood oil in your left palm as you continue your slow rhythmic breathing.
  • Dip your right thumb and index finger into the oil in your left palm and rub your right ear lobe between your thumb and index finger, clearing your heart and letting go any guilt you may be carrying. Pray softly:
  • Heavenly Creator release all that holds me in bondage. I let go any guilt that I may be carrying for things that I have committed or things I have failed to do that I should have done.
  • Next, rub your right thumb and index finger together as you connect with the pineal gland in the brain. Visualize this gland as a small area deep in the center of your brain. Now breathe deeply the fragrance of cedarwood and allow the healing properties of this grounding oil to penetrate to the pineal and pituitary glands. Allow yourself to open to your own creativity. Pray softly:
  • Heavenly Creator, restore me to wholeness and connect me to my creative self.
  • Again dip your right thumb and fore finger into the oil in your left palm and rub some of the oil on your right great toe. Continue to connect with the pineal gland in the brain. Breathe deeply the fragrance of cedarwood letting go of any negative emotions within your energy field. Pray softly:
  • Heavenly Creator fill me with your light and love, restore me to wholeness within and return me to my community fully healed.

Want to know more about healing with essential oils? The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches classes throughout the United States on both aromatherapy and energy (spiritual) healing.

I'd like to invite you to explore our educational offerings. When you go to my site I will have a BONUS GIFT for you--a sample of our work.

You will receive free instant access to a Special Report on Five Biblical Oils when you subscribe to my free short ezine newsletter on energy healing and aromatherapy. You can get your free access immediately by clicking on

From Linda L. Smith, Director of the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy, a national program in Christian healing.

You Have Got To Read This Book

Finding Tranquility With Spiritual Meditation

Everything will seem right with the world when your mind, body and spirit are in harmony. However, its difficult to find inner peace through spiritual meditation if we do not have enough time for it. That is why we should reach back to the wisdom of traditional cultures and indigenous peoples. This way we can find beauty, cure our ills and ease our minds from restless anxiety in an era filled with the promises of high technology and modern medicine.

The philosophy of ancient times focuses on a holistic and interconnectedness approach. This ancient approach involves the practice of spiritual meditation and promoting long-term good health, rather than merely trying to correct health problems as they arise. This approach is not aimed at a single problem but is aimed at treating the whole person. This method has been an evolving idea that is gaining popularity now in the West. The vital concept of balancing a healthy mind and spirit with a healthy body is now gaining acceptance in the medical establishment.

Those who practice ancient forms of spiritual meditation emphasize the importance of awareness of the breath. The repetition of a word or phrase and the visualization of an object or a deity are also ancient forms of meditation. Many people find these different approaches of spiritual meditation more or less appropriate to their own needs. However, they may need to try several forms before they can adopt the form with which they feel most comfortable with.

However, many people also have fears or misconceptions about spiritual meditation. They are afraid that they may not have control of the situation and some also feel that meditation is some kind of odd religious practice. Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible to practice meditation outside of any religious context, although meditation forms a central part of some of the world religions,

A person can achieve balance if he or she obtains the ability to discover and draw from inner resources of health, strength and tranquility. It is important for people to tap into more sustainable practices of lasting energy, such as spiritual meditation in a modern culture dominated by unrealistic ideals of physical beauty and twenty-four hour positivism. Discovering clarity of mind, sense of purpose, physical well-being, and spiritual fulfillment within ourselves that truly defines peace has become increasingly difficult, and more important than ever in out present day and age.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Spiritual Meditation. Visit our site for more helpful information about Meditation Philosophy Practical School and other similar topics.

Gregs Videos

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Write Better English!

Grammar Punctuation Help Software automatically proofreads our writing for basic grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. English writing is a skill that only improves through practice, and it seems like these fresh technological solutions are able to assist us on improving our writing skills. Professional writing is about proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and style. Learn how you can easily acquire these professional writing skills.


Grammar Punctuation Help Software is a tool that helps us with one of the most tedious writing tasks - that is proofreading our writing for any problems and errors. Just as you write your text, it is instantly being analyzed by a dynamic, self-learning mechanism that constantly collects and maintains a growing 'correct grammar dictionary' made of millions of text variations. Grammar writing programs enable us to: grammar check, misspelling and typos correction, and suggesting proper punctuation.

Important advantages

Let's summarize the main benefits and advantages:

* Helping us to avoid embarrassing grammar mistakes.

* Analyzing our sentence structure for correct punctuation, thus transforming our writing more comprehendible.

* Enriching our English vocabulary.

Extra research on this solution would probably bring up additional benefits that were not mentioned in this review, as this unique system is constantly moving forward, bringing us new ideas and additional solutions that help us on improving our Writing performance.


Grammar Punctuation Help Software assists us on catching common writing errors as we proofread our writing assignments. Correct grammar and proofreading is matter of practice, this technology won't teach us correct grammar directly, but indirectly. In the next few years we can expect this solution to further develop itself, simply because writing is one of the most important tools that help us achieving many of our goals.

Watch how an advanced English Grammar Check Software analyzes text and learn more about innovative technologies that can help you transform your English writing correct, professional and creative.

Simple College Essay Ideas

While it comes to writing college essay then there are many components & issues that one absolutely wants to know how one can master. No matter whether you locate yourself writing about proper method to store the plants in order that they will grow adequately and writing about why unlawful drugs must be legalized, as there are right & wrong ways to set-up & write college essay.

College Essay Papers: College essay is the opinion style format and these are type of college essays, which need individual to have opinion on a few issues & provide causes to help your opinion. These kinds of college essays generally have no right and wrong answer, however are generally graded on completeness of opinion all through the paper, and how clearly student conveyed their message.

Persuasive Essay Papers: Conversely, completely different kind of college paper is persuasive essay. These types of papers are destined to have solid structure with thesis statement at beginning of a paper, and whole rest of college essay is intended to support & back up thesis.

Six main constituents of persuasive college paper comprise of introduction, thesis statement, first, second, & third supporting paragraphs, & finally conclusion of this paper. For these kinds of college papers student have to master the writing concise & clear thesis statement, and forming supporting claims, which have substance & proof.

When written, all the college essays have got 3 main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Kind of college essay, which is being written can determine what information goes in all section, but trick & success in writing down great college essay generally lies in giving right kind of info, but as well in being brief and to point. There is not any room for "down" in college paper, and student must be careful to write down with easy words that they & their audience may easily know.

Getting Help with the College Essays: Almost all college students want to take 2 basic writing classes no matter what university or college they attend. Normally these classes may teach every student how one can form & write college essays, also these 2 courses essentially lay foundations for the other kinds of educational writing that one can experience and be needed to do all through one's college vocation. If you are in trouble, when beginning college essay, which you are not very sure about, then there are some places where one will absolutely get aid.

First, the colleges and the universities are always equipped with the tutor centers where all the students can get help in writing college essays & papers. These instructor centers must be able to aid student's form the introductions & thesis statements to make it clearer, and help them with he essays generally if they require help. Other sources for getting the help with this college papers comprise of brothers & sisters that might have gone through the university before them, and private tutors, which can be found all through college campuses.

Find tons of articles like this and more all on Tom's student blog

10 Ways to Earn Even More Money From Writing

One thing that every writer wants to know is how to earn more money from writing. This is because being a writer can be a fickle business sometimes and so you need to have as many sources of income as possible.

You also need to use your time wisely to be able to write as much as you can and be as productive as you can. You need to use the phrase "Don't Get It Right, Get It Written" as often as possible to get you off the starting blocks and writing as much as you can, instead of trying edit your work and be as perfect as possible as you go along. It's so much easier to just start writing and don't stop till you've finished and THEN go back and edit your work later. Remember that writing and editing and two different jobs and should never be done together.

But what you really want to know is how to earn more money from writing. And below are 10 easy ways for you increase your writing income.

1. Write more. I know it sounds obvious that writers should be writing but you'd be surprised at how many people call themselves writers yet they hardly ever write. To improve your writing, get a book of an author you like (or a writer whose style you admire) and copy their work. Just sit and copy out their writing word-for-word. This will give you a really good understanding of their writing style and how you can incorporate it into your own writing.

2. Read more. Successful writers are avid readers as well as being prolific writers. Reading improves you knowledge, exposes you to different writing styles, and can also help you to come up with great ideas for your own writing.

3. Find more freelance markets. If you want to make more money you need to sell more writing. So spend a bit of time every week surfing online and browsing through magazines looking for new writing markets. You can also sign up for regular writers ezines that contain current writing markets. Always be on the look out for new writing opportunities.

4. Submit more queries. Once you've found new markets you then need to make sure that you do actually get your writing published. So make a definite decision to send out at least 5 queries or short stories to different writing markets every week. And then make sure you do it, even if you have to get up early or stay up late.

5. Try different writing projects. Instead of sticking to the same kind of things you write, try branching out into something new. For instance, if you mostly write articles for women's magazines, trying writing jokes, verse, puzzles or children's stories and find new places to submit them.

6. Write and publish eBooks. EBooks are a great way to earn a passive income. You can write an eBook in as little as 24 hours and publish it online in only a few minutes. And because there's no cost involved in selling eBooks you can write as many as you want for as long as you want.

7. Write and publish books. There's nothing more wonderful for a writer than to feel the first copy of your book in your own hands. It's so easy now to publish your own books that there's nothing to stop you from becoming a prolific author and publish several books a year.

8. Learn new writing. There may be areas of writing that you don't feel proficient in. Maybe you've never really tried writing fiction, or, like me, you want to learn copywriting or SEO writing. Choose a area of writing that you've never tried before but would like to learn, and then learn to do it.

9. Invest in your writing. Don't be afraid to spend money to further your writing career. Splash out on some really fancy notebooks and expensive pens or treat yourself to a new computer. Or how about taking a seminar or a writing course or maybe there's a book about writing that you've been thinking about buying. Just open your wallet and buy whatever it takes to help you write more and earn more.

10. Write more. Now you probably notice that this is the same advice in step number one. But it is so important that it needs mentioning more than once. To be a great writer you need to be great at writing and the more you write, the more natural writing will be for you and so the better a writer you'll become. As you write more and more your words will flow onto the paper (or computer monitor) more easily and so your writing will sound more natural. Never stop writing.

The bottom line is that writers write. They always write. When a writer is not writing, they are thinking about writing. And when they're not writing nor thinking about writing, they are reading about writing. So if you want to be a writer, be the very best you can and start writing now.

Want to learn more about becoming a writer? Just go to, scroll to the bottom of the page and download the FREE eBook, "How to Make Even MORE Money as a Writer" that outlines the different and most profitable ways to earn money working at home as a writer

And if you want to keep up to date with the lastest writing news, competitions, free resources, articles and more go to and sign up for the free monthly newsletter and receive the free eBook "Become a Freelance Writing Success" as soon as you subscribe. While you're at the site, make sure you look around and download all the free writers' eBooks, software and other resources to help really kick-start your writing career

How to Write More Articles

Does it take a lot of time for you to write an article, a single blog or to post them online? Do you take a lot of time to think about how to write an effective article? If your answer is 'yes' for the above-mentioned questions, then you should this article to get a solution for your problems. Whether you are a freelance writer, an article writer or a blog writer, you should be able to write effective articles in less time. If you are into a full time job as a web-writer then you need to manage your time in a manner in such a way that you write more articles in less time.

Here are few tips, which will help you to write an effective article or a blog quickly.

Stay focused

When you sit to write an online article, close down all other applications, as, they tend to distract your attention. For instance, the application that most commonly disrupts the working pace is chat application. Therefore, it is always better to close down all the chat windows, when you are writing an article. Other application that you should close down is the email window, as chatting email also tends to divert your attention. Close the browser application, which you open for reference work, immediately after you are through with your work. It is better that you stop checking blog traffic stats and Adsense earnings.

Exhaustive research

You should always do a little bit of research work before you begin to write the articles. This will help you to write an effectual article in less time. The research work will help you to enhance the quality of the articles and the articles will undoubtedly show the effort you have put in behind researching. Most of the articles that make it to the first page of the social bookmarking sites are well structured and researched. The research work will make you article factual, informative and will give a depth to your article.

Schedule yourself

Prepare a schedule before you begin your article, as it will help you to save on a lot of time. On the schedule, fix a time limit for every work that you will have to do because of the article. Assign maximum time for writing as writing the article will take most of your time. Also, allocate some time for research work, thinking a title and for deciding subtitles. By following this kind of a schedule, you can easily write an article in an hour.

Go for proof reading

It is important to do a proof reading after you have finished your article. Generally, most of the people leave out proof reading paucity of time or patience. Once you are through with your writing part, give it a reading and check whether there is any mistake or not. If you come across any mistake, rectify it.

Edit your work

The formatting works should be done once you are through with you writing. See to it that the images are at their place, give a caption to the pictures and acknowledge the person you want to. While editing see to it that the article is precise, concise and does not have fillers.

Writing high quality articles in few minutes is a difficult task, but you can easily master the art if you follow the above-mentioned points.

The author is dynamic web content writer and budding SEO. He has got the experience in writing quality content for various websites and getting them optimized too. You can view his website for more information

Proofreading and Editing Software - 5 Ways it Helps You!

Proofreading and editing software can make all of your writing tasks easier. It automates your correcting, editing and proofreading, enabling you to get more done in less time. You also can send out better documents without errors! This software can do all of this for you:

1. Corrects Your Grammar and Punctuation

Proofreading and editing software will read through your documents and correct any errors of grammar or punctuation. Without this, you may not even realize some of the mistakes in your writing!

2. Corrects Spelling Mistakes Contextually

A contextual spell checker, unlike the ordinary one you probably use, can spot words that are spelled correctly but are used in the wrong place, such as "stare" instead of "stair" or "too" instead of "to." It' s easy to make these kind of errors, but this spell checker will find them!

3. Style Checker

The style checker will improve your writing by suggesting alternative words or phrases you can use.

4. Compatible With Your Word Processor

You can smoothly take documents created on your present programs and have the proofreading and editing software go through them, as it's compatible with most commonly used programs.

5. Send Out Polished, Professional Documents

The best thing about this software is that it allows you to quickly send out better and more professionally written documents. This will let you get more done and also improve the quality of your work!

Proofreading and editing software can check for grammar, punctuation and any other writing errors and gives an instant feedback. Well, in the end: Make you more productive.

Watch how advanced Proofreading and editing software instantly improve your writings and learn how innovative NLP technology can help you to be a successful proofreader.

Jane Sumerset is a professional proofreader working for many large companies in Britain. She's also a regular writer on topics like "how to write English resumes" on englishsoftware the renowned British English writing knowledge base.

Unique Web Jobs For Writers

Are you looking for writing jobs? Consider focusing on the Web. As businesses and publications continue to move online, there are plenty of jobs available for writers who know the Web.

Use your creativity in your job hunt: remember that the Web is unknown territory to most businesses. The more you know about how the Web works, the more you'll be able to charge for your services.

Let's look at five unique jobs for Web writers.

1. Article Marketing for Money: High Profits

Get familiar with article marketing. Once you know how this works, you can develop an entire business just on writing articles, and developing article marketing campaigns.

For most businesses, article marketing is a new promotional tool. Once you explain how cost-effective it is when compared to other forms of marketing however, you'll easily get clients.

2. Social Media Marketing: Business Blogging

Over the past couple of years, blogging has become mainstream, and businesses already know what a blog can do for them. However, they're not as aware of other social media marketing options. If you're experienced on social media sites like Facebook and know how to blog, you can sell these marketing services to businesses.

3. Daily Ezines for Businesses

Although many businesses collect contact information, most don't use it. If you can show potential clients the return on investment (ROI) of a daily ezine, they'll hire you in a heartbeat.

4. Affiliate Manager for Products

Few businesses with affiliate programs manage their affiliates efficiently. They may provide a few creative tools -- banners and advertisements -- but that's all.

As an affiliate manager, you have two main areas of responsibility: providing tools affiliates can use (articles, autoresponder sequences, advertising), and inspiring and motivating the affiliates.

5. Writing Mini Web Sites

If you can write small Web sites of five to ten pages, you can both sell them, and can create them to order.

Many writers are shy of creating sites. No one is asking you to be a Web designer however. Get a simple (free) HTML template, write the pages, buy a domain name and get the site online. From go to whoa, this should take you no longer than three hours. Profit? Around $100 a page, at a minimum.

Want to make money as a Web writer? Discover how easy it is with Angela Booth's "Sell Your Writing Online NOW" Training Program at

The program is fun and profitable too. There's a full year of lessons and assignments:"Sell Your Writing Online NOW" helps you to earn while you learn, even as a brand new writer.

For free weekly writing information, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.

6 Highly Useful Things to Guide Students When Writing Their Essays

The students from the various scholastic levels would usually be required to write different kinds of essays for their classes. Professors would either give their student's a topic, something that is about their course, or give the students the option to pick their own topics. What these means is that writing an essay is always a big part of a student's life. However, Not all students are good with using language or writing essays. Some lack the proper grasp of grammar and vocabulary to make the article.

For the students who are not as skilled or are having difficulty in finding time for writing their papers, these 6 tips would help in creating a good quality essay.

  1. Choose a topic that involves a personal interest. Crafting an essay becomes less tedious if one is innately enjoying what he is writing about. This makes writing about the subject something of a second nature to the writer. For car enthusiasts for example, an essay on the newest cars or parts is just like talking with their friends and sharing interests. In situations wherein the professor hands out the topics, the students can just write on the topic in a way that uses an angle related to the interest.
  2. Do some research first. Before doing the writing, the student should first do some research. Being able to research the topic of the essay,gives the writer the opportunity to take various points and angles and use them in the essay. This research task is even much easier now with the advent of the internet and various online resources.
  3. Create an Outlines for the essay. Creating an outline for the essay allows one to see how the essay will be structured and what kind of sentences each paragraph should have. A good outline would use either topic sentences or idea phrases, to make it a worthwhile guide for the essay writer.
  4. Look at example essays. An essay example gives students the chance to learn more ways of writing their papers. Having access to other essays helps one learn how to use smooth transitions in presenting their topic. The essay example allows the student to look at how the author talks about the topic. One can then emulate the use of language, style, and flow of the author in their own papers. To be able to find examples, the students can ask their professors or can even browse some sample online articles.
  5. Make sure the paper follows the instructions and guidelines set by the institution. Academic papers have to follow a specific set of rules with regards to its format. Format rules would usually include specifications for font sizes and styles, and margin width. Check that the paper is able to follow all these rules.
  6. Check for grammar and typing errors. Avoid point deductions from your essay due to errors in spelling and grammar use. Low grades are given to well-crafted due to such markdowns. Grammar and Typing errors can be seen by the professor as sloppiness on the part of the student. Use the spellchecker in the software, as well as check the paper once it is printed out.

Angela Foster is an English Literature professor in her local college. She had been a teacher for 20 years and is known due to her essay assignments on everything. When not giving out or grading submitted papers and other articles, she spends her time by taking care of and playing with her granddaughters. She can be usually found visiting the park or zoo with her grandchildren, playing the role of their tour guide.

How to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing can offer you with all the elements that you need in growing your ebusiness -- quality, search engine traffic, higher page ranking, an expert status online, great exposure for your products and website, and a stronger online presence. You just have to make sure that you do the process right so you can easily realize your marketing goals in no time.

Here's how you can increase your article marketing:

1. Write about topics that are relevant to your products and services. Always remember that your ultimate goal in publishing your articles is to gain exposure for your offerings so you can increase your sales and revenue. You can properly build up your products and services if you touch on topics or problems that can be addressed or resolved by using your products. For instance, if you are selling information products about SEO, you can talk about the common myths about search engine optimization that can mislead both marketers and bloggers. By doing so, you can easily pitch in your products on your resource box as the answer to your potential clients' dilemma.

2. Deliver newsworthy and timely information. Keep your readers abreast with what is happening on your chosen niche by writing about the newest topics that can surely interest these people. Subscribe to relevant RSS feeds or constantly check relevant reputable sites that can offer you with new information.

3. Multiply the number of your articles. You cannot promote easy recall if you just post 1-2 articles online. If you want your target market to easily remember you, you must be able to offer them with more information compare to your leading competitors. Work harder and strive to produce at least 5-10 articles per day. This can dramatically boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to an impressive search engine ranking.

4. Get your articles republished. Allow ezine publishers or other marketers to use your articles on their blogs, portals, and website as long as they will give you credit for it. This is one way of widening your reach and increasing the exposure of your articles.

5. Keep your articles short and simple. You can attract more attention online if your articles are not lengthy and boring. You can also effectively promote better understanding if you use simple terms or plain English all throughout your content that can help your readers to easily get the message that you are trying to get across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

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Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Sentence Grammar Checker - Effectively Edit Your English Writing!

Sentence Grammar Checker can make life easier mostly for those who spend much of their time writing emails, articles and other digital documents. English is the most popular international language; we use it for personal or business purposes while communicating with others. If you look for new ways that will help you to improve your writing level - read the following review.

Short overview
Sentence Grammar Checker solutions are actually add-on tools for conventional word processors, they were designed to cover the more complex language issues such as correct grammar and punctuation. Up to several years ago grammar checking technology was very basic, but today it provides better performance based on advanced language processing algorithms. Grammar writing programs enable us to: checking for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and sometimes few of them offer text enrichment.

Can it make our life better?
Do we really need it? Well, let's examine what is in it for us:

- Automatically identify sentences construction problems that may have been missed during a manual proofreading.
- Providing extra capabilities which do not exist in conventional word processors.
- Saves us time spent on grammar guides.

Looking closer on this technology, we could easily find other advantages that are not covered here, as this tool constantly changes, bringing us new solutions that help us on improving our English writing and editing skills.

Sentence Grammar Checker is a great way to enhance our writing capabilities and improve our written based communication. This technology is very helpful on identifying writing problems that we were not aware of. Although it brings many challenges to software developers, we can expect this solution to further develop itself, for a single reason: writing is one of the most important tools that help us with almost any aspect in life.

Watch how an advanced Sentence Grammar Checker analyzes text and learn more about innovative technologies that can help you transform your English writing correct, professional and creative.

Writing About What You Know

Tapping into the information bank you have inside of you already requires a way to get access to your inner author. It is that part of your brain that you normally hear about as your right brain. The right brain is the part that likes music, laughter, fun, games and being creative.

When you try to approach your writing from an a more structured approach you will immediately be shifted to your left brain that is more logical. That side also is more intellectual and analyzes well but is not usually very good at communicating. That is why writers block seems so frequently to be a problem with many people.

Step outside of your logic and just tell your reader about your information as if you are telling a friend who is sitting across the table from you. Writing in that kind of conversational tone will connect with more people and will also be easier for you to do. When the flow of words begins to start you can relax into your story and writing will be easier for you.

Next time you sit down to write you will find that the flow will start more easily and if writers block appears you can recognize immediately that you are leaning toward your left brain and need to go back toward the right. When you experience this you will find that your block will be easier to dissolve because you have identified what is the cause of the block. This flag will help show you there is a need to change your writing approach. It is a great tool for you to use so you can begin to write as well as write more creatively.

And now I invite you to join me for a series of writing exercises to help you discover your areas of interest in writing as well as increasing your creativity. You may access these exercises by visiting

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Making Money Writing a Good Proposal

If you are laid off or looking for a job and need some way of raking in money until you find a good job, then proposal writing is an excellent idea to look into. There are many small companies and start up business entrepreneurs who require proposals for many reasons.

The job needs only a computer and a printer, clear writing skills and business knowledge. If this is up your alley, you will find proposal writing a rewarding business both as a short term, part time business or to establish as a full time business at home.

Small and mid sized Businessmen need proposals for new projects, loan sanctions and for getting business from prospective costumers. Not for profit organizations need proposals written for government grants. You will need to draft a few sample proposals or proposals for grants using your imagination. You can then reply to the many jobs available on the internet calling for the services of a proposal writer.

Small entrepreneurs and not for profit organizations will be grateful for your skills. You should be flexible and make changes required by each employer. You need to set a time frame and try to keep your deadlines. Your fees for proposals should be competitive and as you grow in the business you can charge more.

There are many people out there willing to pay for your proposals to be written. Anyone with business savvy and clear writing skills and looking for a job opportunity should try proposal writing for part time success with full time benefits.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

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New Writers Mini Guide

Fundamentals Needed for a Writers Success

When composing written works whether it be fiction or non-fiction a successful writer relies on the combination of fundamentals they have developed over time. At this point in their career initiative is a natural process and comes easily.

Their minds have been well conditioned over the years resulting in a diversity of talent inclusive with the initiation of ideas and story lines. Therefore, as with any successful endeavour continuous effort from the artist is what creates the end results.

However, it takes many years of effort to develop the mind of a successful writer, to acquire individual style and the talent to structure creativity. And it all begins with the simple desire to read and absorb information. Avid readers can become successful writers.

Exercising and utilizing the mind develops intellect and expands the imagination. Experimenting on the imagination develops style and creativity. However, most importantly, the maturity the writer develops from years of reading is what spawns the agility of their developing talents. This cannot be learned in a classroom setting over a short period of time. On the other hand, the process of developing grammar skills can.

Young writers in their efforts to implement both their reading and writing skills together may believe this to be the ideal way to reduce the time frame from which success can be obtained. This approach for acquiring success does work for some.

But they should keep in mind, as with other talented successors, writing may come naturally to a select few and the years required to perfect the skill may not be needed. For others the basics of writing prose may begin with simple poetry or card verse. This is an ideal foundation to build upon but soon the aspiring writer will out grow this single dimensional form of writing.


The increasing desire to expand and diversify develops quickly with their first work of fiction. The most difficult form of writing fiction not only requires creative imagination it requires realistic characters and plots. Constructing the ideal setting and or environment must be relevant with the plot and the events that unfold throughout the story.

Description of such settings is imperative in order for the reader to visualize detail and colour, to unify completely. If the reader can virtually position themselves within the setting itself they in turn become an outsider looking in. This creates an enchanted connection with the characters, and a form of escapism.

Character personalities and motives must also be realistic and consistent throughout the piece. A character whos introduced with an optimistic personality should remain as such unless tragic events distort the characters personality. Main characters should be kept to a minimal and provided with supporting roles. Consistently introducing new characters who briefly take part can cause confusion with the reader.

Many new writers prefer writing in first person but are soon motivated to develop the skill of writing in third person. Established writers are known to write in third person allowing the reader access to all characters. Mental connection with just a single character just doesnt compare. The story is far more stimulating if the reader can mentally connect with all the main characters.


Non-fiction can be challenging in other ways and use of the imagination requires a different set of rules. Recollection on the events, the people and the order in which things happen must be conveyed in the same manner as fiction.

However, where research is needed, the simple duplication of facts is not considered ideal when presenting articles or reports. The origins from which information is gathered must come from a variety of resources not from a single article or review.

Facts should be collected, re-arranged and re-written using the writers style and skill. Articles and reports are written with a little more proficiency presenting the reader with factual information along with further resources pertaining to the subject at hand.

Articles are not short stories of a personal experience and they shouldnt be written as such. Its the knowledge gained from the experience that is used and presented as an informative article.

The complexities of the English language are vast and unforgiving. Nonetheless, indulging oneself into the world of the written word can be the most satisfying endeavour a person can experience.

The human imagination can take the writer to places others can only dream of. Not only does the imagination offer therapeutic qualities it allows the writer a temporary existence, an alternative to the physical world theyre bound to.

Creating and developing worlds, characters and events this form of escapism benefits the writer and the reader alike. And for anyone who seeks reprieve from the demanding world they live in exploring through the mind of a talented writer is far more rewarding than the simplicities of physical activity.

Its been a pleasure sharing with you

Kellie Hastings copyright 2007

Freelance research writer of articles pertaining to health, anti-aging, writing, pollution, public awareness, UFO Phenomenon. To view How Your Articles Can Attract Millions and Article Syndication Tips visit

Writing a Project Plan

A project plan is similar to a business plan. The plan should cover all nitty-gritty details of the project. This plan is crucial to the success or failure of a project. Writing an in-depth project plan is a skill that anyone can develop. As you write more and more project plans you will find it easier to draft a plan and the fewer mistakes you will make.

Start with a draft of all the headings of your plan then expound on each heading. Your headings can be the following; description, who are involved, design details, materials, supplies, tools, schedule, workday instructions, financial plan, workers, safety, contingency, tasks and the list goes on. Think of all the aspects that your project will involve, do not try to think hard, and just write down all possibilities. When you are giving further details on your headings this is the time to eliminate topics that you believe are not necessary.

Developing the details of your heading should also be done in the same manner as writing down your headings. Indicate all details even if you feel it is not necessary. You will later on drill down the details to the most important information that you will need for the project plan. Do not discard all your draft ideas; it may be handy when finalizing your project plan. Below is a simple and effective heading for a project plan.


Indicate what you want to achieve for the project, this is a way to measure your success or failure.


Indicate in detail what are the tasks involved in achieving your goals. This is a way to establish control to the project by mentioning specific tasks to be completed by each member.


A project will never run forever so a well-thought out schedule should be put in place. A project schedule should indicate the due dates for your deliverables.


Indicate members of the project. Point out how communications will be conducted. Show also any difficulties you think will happen and mention how to handle it. Provide structure to the project by work day plan, and task allocation. Put a way to measure quality in the work being done.

The outline mentioned above is the most common points to put on a project plan. Every project is different so additional details needed for your project should be added. Managing a project can be really complicated at times so it is best to use a project management software to aid a manager.