Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Review of How to Write and Publish Your Own Ebook in 7 Days

Have you ever wanted to publish your own book? Self publishing can be a time consuming and expensive (not to say stressful) experience. However, there is a guide that tells you how to publish your own book. Before anything, we would like to state that here we are talking about eBooks. But then why not? Think of the advantages. Almost zero cost to set up.

Electronic downloads mean you don't have to pay for printed copies, or send out physical goods. Use a credit card processor like Clickbank and they will take care of credit card orders, and not to mention perhaps the biggest benefit of clickbank - affiliates. When you sign up with Clickbank, you open up your product to the world of affiliate marketing. Here, other people try to sell your work for you. You in return provide them with a percentage of the sale price (all done automatically by Clickbank).

eBooks are information products - and these are perhaps one of the hottest selling products on the internet today. People want information. If you want to publish your own book, an eBook is perhaps the best way to start. Once it becomes established, you can always approach publishers. If it is a great seller as an eBook, there will not be any need to self publish - the publishers will be queueing up to publish you book.

So how do you write an Ebook?

There is an eBook called "How to Write and Publish your own eBook in as little as 7 days", written by Jim Edwards & Joe Vitale. Both of these authors are bigger than life personalities with a huge amount of experience in writing eBooks and marketing them.

"How to write and publish your own eBook" begins by telling you why eBooks are such a great idea. Jim & Joe then show you how to identify a niche market that people are interested in - in other words a profitable one! After a great deal of inspirational discussion, the Ebook moves onto the 7 Day eBook Writing Method. This method takes up just 23 pages of the 200+ page manual.

However, there really is no need for any more. You might be thinking that the rest of the eBook is just the typical type of padding to fill out an otherwise "short report" into a larger eBook. Not so. The book goes on to tell you how to turn your text document into an eBook - the options for publishing as you like. This does not have to cost you money - there are free ways.

How to write an eBook in as little as 7 days, will take you from the very initial brainstorming, right through to writing and keeping you motivated. Once the final draft is done, Jim & Joe tell you how to format, publish and market your efforts. On page 96, the main eBook finishes.

The rest of the book (over 100 pages) could be described as padding. However, it is very interesting padding. Several well known authors are interviewed. This is extremely enlightening as the interviews are designed to give you an insight into how successful authors get ideas, market their eBooks, and whole stack of other information that is priceless to the wanabee author.

Featured authors interviewed include Yanik Silver & Neil Shearing - two very famous entities.

If you want to self publish your own book, then Jim Edwards & Joe Vitales' awesome "How to write and Publish your own eBook in as little as 7 days" is a goldmine of useful information, and motivational reference. You will not regret buying this eBook, just make sure you use it and stop dithering. Who knows, next week we could see your name in print or all over the Internet for your new eBook.

Let Ebook Marketing Review Kings Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about Internet Marketing Review Kings. Feel free to use this article but please leave all links and author bio intact

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