Saturday, May 2, 2009

You Need to Be a Writer, Instead of Just Someone Who Writes

If you want to have a successful writing career, you need to prioritize your writing and make it the thing you do the most, rather than something you do in your spare time now and again. Anyone who is successful in their career is driven by their work. When you look at Stephen King, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, or any other successful person, you'll soon realize that they didn't get to where they are by working on their careers in their spare time.

They all started out by having to hold down a full-time job to put food on the table while they became established in what they wanted to do, but hey never lost their drive and determination and that's what kept them going. You'll also recognize that these people are different from those around them. They don't sit around every night watching Seinfeld and Jerry Springer on TV. Instead they use all their free time to work on their careers. So while their friends and family are still sat staring at the TV for several hours every night, they have reached the pinnacle of their success and are all multi-millionaires enjoying their lives.

They knew that if they did the same things as everyone else, they'd be the same as everyone else, and that's what they didn't want. So if you want to is a successful and wealthy writer, working your own hours, living wherever you want in the world and not being part of the 9-5 rat race any more, then you need to work on becoming the writer that you want to be. And the time to start is right now. So don't sit on the couch every night watching TV. Instead, sit down and write. Or if you don't know what to write or how to sell your work, invest in a book or course that will teach you how.

But stay away from the television, which is often called "the brain drain" or "the plug-in drug." Watching too much television can become a bad habit and while you're watching it, it is also sucking away your creativity and your dreams. And don't watch the news any more either. These programs don't give you a balanced view of what's happening in the world. They only show news that they think will shock, horrify and attract more viewers. Remember that they are in it for the money so it's in their best interests to attract as many viewers as they can.

And don't worry about missing out on any big news that happens. If it's something important, you'll find out anyway, one way or another. You just need to concentrate on your writing. And keep away from anyone who has a negative attitude about what you are trying to achieve. These kinds of people are toxic and you really don't need them. True friends will support you, or at the very least, ignore you if they don't agree with what you are trying to do. But they will never be nasty.

Just think what would have happened to Bill Gates or Stephen King if they'd listened to the critics in their lives? Instead they were too busy getting on with what they were doing and didn't let anyone stop them. So let yourself become the successful and wealthy writer that you've always wanted to be. Just sit down and imagine yourself working as a full-time writer and author, living your dream life in your dream home.

Then turn off the television and get to work. And before you know it you'll be a prolific and wealthy writer. Just remember that your habits create your future, so adopt better writing habits.

Ruth Barringham is succesful writer, author and publisher and runs two web sites for writers. is a web site for freelance writers and Self-Publish Worldwide is a website full of information on all areas of self publishing. So if your interested in writing or publishing, or both, visit these two web sites. You can also sign up for the free monthly newsletter at and receive the free eBook 'Become a Freelance Writing Success' when you subscribe, or download a free self publishing report at Self-Publish Worldwide. Or why not do both? After all - they're free!

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